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  • Connection and Crash problems - General fix.

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by Winnfield, Feb 28, 2016.

    1. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Basic summary

      Every server has connection problems, and most likely every computer will crash in its working time. Many people have been making threads, requesting help because they are facing any of the following problems:
      • Connection problems
        • Inability to connect to Mineverse's lobby servers.
        • Inability to connect to a Mineverse gamemode.
        • Constant network lag, low ping, etc.
      • Crashing, or intensive lag
        • Immediate or non-immediate crashing when connecting to a gamemode
        • Unbearable lag
      Hopefully this thread will be able to help with some of these problems.

      Connection problems

      Connection problems may result in you being unable to connect to a gamemode, or one of the Mineverse lobby servers. Many of these connection problems are solvable, here are a few fixes I have came across.
      • Cannot connect to Mineverse in general
        • Mineverse is a busy server, and is likely under a large load a lot of the day
          • Try connecting at a different time.
            • Depending on where you are in the world, will depend on how strong your connection is. Mineverse is hosted in a certain location, which means if you are in the UK, and Mineverse is hosted in Australia, you will likely experience a connection problem when the server is busy. (Example)
        • Your Internet connection may result in a bad connection
          • If you have a bad Internet connection, you will likely suffer when the server is busy. People in your household may also affect your connection performance.
            • Use Ethernet instead of WiFi, by using an Ethernet cable to directly connect your computer to your router will help your connection.
            • A stronger network card, or adapter will do the trick if you are certain your router is strong enough to connect well.
          • Rural areas tend to have worse signal, so if you live in a rural area, don't be surprised if you cannot connect when the server is busy.
        • If you are constantly experiencing connection problems, even when the server isn't busy, then it will be your internet provider, or your location. So an upgrade should fix that.
          • Upgrading your router, or internet provider will only be useful if you aren't in a fully rural area, as rural areas generally suffer connection problems no matter what. Mineverse also can have problems server-side, which may time you out from connecting, so ensure Mineverse isn't the only server you cannot connect to, before purchasing anything to help your connection.
        • WiFi Extenders
          • A WiFi extender, will... Extend/boost your connection.
            • This is useful if you live in a large house, and you are on the opposite side of the house to your router.
          • I am uncertain, but I think applications can be downloaded to boost and improve your connection speeds.
      • Cannot connect to Creative, or another branch of Mineverse
        • There is a large problem for a lot of people when connecting to Mineverse Creative, here are a few reasons why you might be having a problem connecting to Mineverse Creative.
          • It's very busy.
            • Read the points above.
          • You connect, then crash, or disconnect.
            • As it's Creative, people can make whatever they want, and sometimes people make malicious things intended to cause lag, or what they have built is so big it can cause lag. This lag can then cause you to crash, or disconnect / timeout.
              • Mineverse knows about this problem, and has made a section here: http://shop.mineverse.com/category/105731 called '[Factions/Survival/Creative/OPPrison/OPFactions] Teleport back to spawn [Free]', this will teleport you back to the spawn, on all of those servers, and should resolve your problem. :)

      Lag problems

      • Low FPS
        • Low FPS, is a problem with your computer, not the server. This meaning that there aren't many options available that don't involve upgrading your computer.
          • Installing 'Optifine' will boost your FPS.
          • Lowering video settings will boost your FPS.
          • Allocating more RAM to the game will boost your FPS.
      • Sudden crashing
        • If you are crashing suddenly, then the easiest way to fix this would be to allocate more RAM / Memory to the game.
          • Tutorial I found:
      • Glitching
        • If you are glitching, see players teleporting, blocks you break don't break immediately etc, this is a problem with the server, or your network - and has nothing to do with your computers performance.
          • Resort to the connection area above.

      Thank You for reading.
      If what I have been saying seems obvious to you, then that's fine, this was dedicated to those who aren't entirely sure what to do, and have little knowledge.
      Have a nice day :)
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Moved to right section, nice guide btw
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      If you find any grammatical problems, tell me.
      Thanks :)
    4. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Thank you Tads.

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