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  • NA _ICYB3AR_'s Re-Moderator Application (Updated 3/18/2016)

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by IceBear, Feb 27, 2016.

    1. IceBear

      IceBear Active Member

      Jan 3, 2016
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      ICYB3AR's Re-Moderator app.

      Hello everyone my name is Sophie and people that may or may not know me I'm _ICYB3AR_ (Ign) or Icy you might as well know me because I was in the top 5 voters. So today I would love to try to get moderator from the application. If you guys put No Support give me 2-3 reasons why and if you put Support Thanks you for that and some reasons why also tell me what I need to add in my Moderator application. Thank you for your time reading this and I hope you guys like my Moderator application. I know I'm new to the forums but does it really matter? I really don't know

      How old are you?
      I am 12 years old I'm going to be 13 in Oct 10 which is a long way from here

      Your In-game name?
      My in-game name is _ICYB3AR_
      My older names were XxClutchxX and XclutchX
      Note: I may change my name in the future

      What time zone are you in?
      I live in California so I'm in the Pacific time zone

      What country do you live in?
      I live in the United States in California, San Fransisco

      What language do you speak?
      I speak English and I'm learning some Japanese

      I am a very fast typer I can type a lot of stuff at once I can type 50-60 words a minute its not much but I think its a lot for me

      Fast Reaction
      I have a very fast reaction, When I pvp in kit or op and when I'm typing and next thing you know someones attacking you I notice it right when they attack me the first time

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?(i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I can now record and I now have a channel here's a link to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3TsAPhVbalnY6EjEdHHZqw

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      My Schedule:
      I could play longer but my swim team practice times are wacky (my swimming schedule may change every couple of months)
      Monday: 7 pm-10 pm
      Tuesday: 7 pm-10 pm
      Wednesday: 7 am - 8 am. 4 pm-10 pm
      Thursday: 4 pm-10 pm
      Friday: 4 pm-10 pm
      Saturday: 7 am-11 am. 2 pm-10 pm
      Sunday: 11 am-10 pm
      ( I no life in the weekends )

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing Mineverse for 2 years now
      My friend DzintCraft convinced me to play on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpkzBvNgOwhcKGfl3ARI5_g

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I've never been banned from the server or in the forums because I respect this server I hope I never get banned for any stupid reasons

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I have never been mod in any servers the reason why is that the other server I've played never respect mods and other servers (small servers) you will have to talk to the owner when sometimes owner is never online or Afking

      Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most)
      I would like to become mod in Kitpvp and Opprison because I love those two server and I am most active on those servers. I really want to help player with hackers, don't we all hate hackers well me too but when I become mod I can ban all countless hacks and other that break the rules. In Op prison there are barely any hackers but there are a lot of people who talk trash there and say stuff that are very immature and talk stuff we don't really need to know but when I see them say those stuff I will give them 1 warning but if there do it again I will legit mute them

      Why do you think you should become mod?
      There are a lot of reasons why I would love to become a mod and to these are some reasons I believe that I should become a mod. I have three favorite game servers KitPvp, OpPvp, and Op Prison I also have other favorite game modes too. On KitPvp and OpPvp as many of you know that there are a lot of hackers. It is not only like this on KitPvp and OpPvp, but it is like this in every other servers. Hackers make the game boring and make some people quit believe me I seen a lot of my friends quit because of them, so the server is a lot less fun to play. And this is why I would love to become moderator and to catch the hackers that hack.

      Hacking is also not the problem of the server there also a lot of scammers. I got scammed a bunch of time and don't quit because of that I learned this from a Youtuber. Getting scammed might actually help you in the game every time I get scammed I get a lot of good luck and I hope you'll get good luck.

      Now for the real reason why I want to become mod. My friends and Family always think I can't do this but I could prove them wrong and make them surprised and happy for me and I think if I become moderator it would help my life be so much better and my friend will play this server more often because they quit because of hackers but I didn't I always try harder to keep playing this server
      Here's some more reason I should become moderator in Mineverse

      Server cash trades
      Server cash trades are a 50 50 chance of them scamming you or they won't sometimes when I do it i get a little scared that's why I get my favorite mod Flazer or Janice to watch the deal and I'll screenshot that I payed him so I got proof and that I didn't about it. And if I become mod and I do Server cash trading its a 99.9% they won't scam me and a 0.01% they will scam me

      I love kitpvp I use to hate it but Mineverse help me change that and now I'm in love with Kitpvp. I'm also very active on that server, and now I'm very good at kitpvp Thanks Mineverse <3. Sometime's when I play Kitpvp my internet just fails me and I disconnect the server and that is one thing I don't like about it ( Every time my internet fails me I lose 200-300$ worth of gear)


      Prison is basically Op prison but harder. It is harder because you earn money very very slow but I still play it sometimes to see friends and mods and next thing you know I'm stuck playing it. I do server cash trade there and I make very good deals there so if you want to do server cash trade message me (If the deal isn't right Then don't do it)

      Infection has now been one of the new game modes I play because infection is very good if you have a donor ranks and now I can level up faster and get higher ranks and the best part of infection is being the zombie because you get speed 3 and try to infect people and if your s human get kill zombies you get arrows air force beacons and gapples and MORE! I think everyone should play this game mode because it is a lot of fun

      Op Pvp
      Op Pvp is like Kit pvp but instead better swords and armor and you also get to use super golden apples. I like this because they have better swords and super golden apples. The other thing I like about this game mode because you get 2$ a kill and 1 level. I think this game mode is kinda challenging and also very fun to play

      Op Prison
      In Op prison is one of the best game I played in Mineverse. I'm almost active a lot in this server just to mine etc. And I also like to talk to mods and some friends who also play op prison. I also do a lot of cash trade there I trade Op Prison cash for cash in kitpvp or Prison 100billion in Op Prison for 80-90$ kitpvp or 80-90 thousand in Prison

      Skyblock, I love skyblock as much as I love the other gamemodes I play. I think skyblock is a really good gamemode to play with friends because you get to be creative and be you there. I'm 6/10 active there and I play with my friend Theloosetoothtwo, Xxstarfury and others. He helps me there a lot and we do a lot of things together

      Sky wars
      Sky war is a very fun game to play when you have a donor rank because you get cash for /kit premium, sponser, vip, Mvp, etc. The higher donor rank you are the more cash you will get. I like sky wars because I get to troll player and see there reaction. And I also think that you should get cash every time you kill or win the game because the only way to get cash is by voting or donor kits

      I come up with a lot of good suggestion in the Mineverse forums for example /trade to advoid scams, /autosell in opprison, soupkitpvp, and the best one I came up with was voter crates in my favorite servers kitpvp and oppvp. Here is 1 of the links to my best suggestion http://www.mineverse.com/threads/trade-command.74667/#post-779373 and I'm also going to come up with more idea for the server.

      Watching Deals/screenshot you paying
      Watching deal may help and may not reasons why all mods do is watch the deal and make sure they don't scam. For example make sure they agree to the deal and they do the deal but they might give the wrong item and they record and they send it to Mineverse forums and wasted the mod time. The other one is (this happened to me) make sure you guys do this because this was the biggest mistake I've ever done on the 2 years I've been playing, blackzone was there and a Vip I payed him 1000(kitpvp) to rank me to premuin and I forgot to screenshot that i payed him and Boom I got scammed so don't make that mistake always screenshot that you have payed. I hope you guys learn from my mistake and hope you guys don't every forget to screenshot that you have paid

      I'm very kind to my foes and other players when players ask me for cash in kitpvp or oppvp I would most likely give them the cash I respect all players like how I treat my friends I never want to look like the girl with no friends. I also give rare item to player's who ask me that they want this item in Op Prison, fill free to ask me for free items in Op Prison and Kitpvp

      I am super duper active because I vote daily and I hope this server makes it into top 5 like how I got into top 5 for voting. If I'm not active I'm most likely in a vacation. I'm mostly just active to screenshot hackers and try too get them banned or hang with my friends

      I try my best to report players who don't follow the rules or break them for example hacking I screenshot people hacking like walking on top of water and Boom I screenshot them, usually when they break the rules I would usually screenshot them or if they say a bad word I would say watch your language Bob

      In real life I like to act weird and try to be funny, In-game I try to act like how I act in real life so I could show people what I really am. I'm also very kind to all player but to be honest I'm never kind to hackers or people who say bad stuff about my friend and Fam, I try to tell them to stop or just leave them be. I also Love all moderator Boy or Girl

      I'm very respectful to all my friends and all the player in Mineverse you can always come to me and I'll no matter what talk to you. If you need a talk about something just come to me and we'll talk it out

      I'm very mature when it comes to people saying inappropriate stuff when there not suppose to say it. I'm very serous with people saying those stuff its not cool and just so so so immature

      What I do when I'm not playing Mineverse
      When I'm not playing Mineverse I'm usually doing swim practice or watching T.V. When I watch T.V. I don't watch those kid shows I watch History channel or Food Network. I like those shows because I learn from History channel and Food Network teaches me more stuff about cooking better or learn from people mistakes. In the History channel I like to watch Forge in fire, Pawn Stars, Counting Cars, Smartest guy in the room, Million dollar Genius and more. In Food Network I like to watch Chopped, Chopped Junior, Restaurant Impossible, DDD, GGG and more I hope you guy watch this too I would be happy :)

      Well thank you all for reading this and I hope you support me even thou I'm not a active member and also please be honest and don't put no support because someone payed you too or etc. It would be very nice if you guys put Support because I always wanted to become mod in my favorite server c:



      Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
    2. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:
      • Needs more info.
      • New to Forums
      • Just saw you 2day IG
      Good luck :)
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
    3. cuban

      cuban Experienced Member

      Sep 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, be more active on forums.
    4. IceBear

      IceBear Active Member

      Jan 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      tell me what to add ill do it
    5. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, not active on forums.
    6. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:

      • Lacks info
      • New to forums
      Otherwise, it's good.
      Try adding some color, and good luck!
    7. IceBear

      IceBear Active Member

      Jan 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Reply to my question what kind of info i need to add be honest
    8. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:
      "Why do you think you should become a moderator" and also, use the [Reply] Button.
    9. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Why did you make another application?
    10. IceBear

      IceBear Active Member

      Jan 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Becuase the other ones suxs this is actully y best one it took me 2 hours but it was worth it
    11. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      There is something called the edit button. I suggest you make use of it.
    12. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support. Reasons stated.
      ~Best of luck!
    13. IceBear

      IceBear Active Member

      Jan 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      eh ik but ....
    14. IceBear

      IceBear Active Member

      Jan 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      reasons please
    15. Jesse234106

      Jesse234106 Experienced Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      ^ do what @Scorvix said, there's no need to write 2 mod application. Either continue on one of the applications or erase one/lock the applications. Ask a staff to do that.

      No support,
      reasons stated above, good luck
    16. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      -Add more detail
      -Become more active on forums
      -Barely see you ig
    17. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Add more info in the "Why do you think I should be mod section" (Like make the paragraphs under the heading more detailed) And become more active on forums. Neutral for now
    18. Tacos6914

      Tacos6914 Active Member

      Jan 17, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support, always on Kitpvp and since Herf_ resigned Kitpvp has so many hackers. Good luck. Many mistakes in your application, I suggest you go through it and edit them.
    19. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      Reasons are said.
    20. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      No support.
      • Add more info
      • Add more detail
      • Get known to the community
      • Get active
      Good luck.

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