Wanna go to jail? k. Be offensive. -Get off a fence to stop being offensive. -Wear power ranger underwear to school. -Blowtorch your dad's car wheels -Poop in a public restroom sink. -Become Sam Pepper. -Reacting. -Record youtube videos up and down. (Vertically) Do some crimes. -Steal daniel's vans. -Mark your territory on a fire hydrant. -Imprison pokemons in balls. -Thinking that saying Asians have small eyes isnt racist. -Going to bed before seven. -Taking selfies on a edge of a cliff. -Printing your butt on a printer. -Watch dora -Laughing hardcore about a knock knock joke. -Thinking that 9+10 is still funny. im tired bye Other crap -Take anOther crap. -Don't wear underwear to school. -Wear the same shirt for the past 2 weeks. -Don't clean your hands for 2 weeks. -Lick a toilet seat in a public restroom. -Drive a Honda in the back seat. -Sit on a pencil. -Sit on a acorn. -Put your feet behind a car wheel before your mom backs up in the car. -Trying to pet a Lion on the vocation. -Going to Hawaii in Winter. -Painting your hair, nails, lips, shirt, eyes, and pants black. Official Emo. -Buy an Alienware Computer. (no offense if anybody has one, its just overpriced, lmao.) -Reading this sentence -Thinking that "practicing typing" in school is considered programming in Elementary and in Middle School by our fellow teachers. -Going to China and thinking that Japanese animes came from China. there u go.