How old are you? I Know im very young to be a moderater at a age 9 but ive had some expierence Your in-game name: IEthanI What timezone are you in? Eastern What country do you live in? USA What languages do you speak? English Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes i'll try to scrounge around for players violating the rules Why do you think you should become a mod? i would like to help more people learn how to play the game and Answer rules or respond to ban/unban appeals How long can you be active on the server everyday? minimum of about 1hour daily maximum 3hours per sitting How long have you been playing Mineverse? Mear 2.3 years Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) No i have never been banned just kicked Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes ive told Many Many players how to do things on gamemodes and how to play but i have never been a mod on any server Please Dont Judge me by Age
No support You're pretty young, yes, but I think you need to be a bit older to make a good job as moderator, I've seen some grammatical errors too, if you fix them, you'll make a bigger chance. Add a bit more detail too, I've never see you in-game/forums before too tho. Good luck!
What do you mean by "Scrounge around"? You cannot just ask players: You: "Hey, dude. So, who'd been breaking the rules lately?" Player: "Oh, I've seen MrPronounce hacking" You: "Thank you " You: "/tempban MrPronounce 31d Hacking. Appeal @ if thought incorrect - Ethan" You have to gain proof for every single ban, unless given the go-ahead by a head-mod/Cyp/Crew, which they will most likely do themselves anyway. I also advice adding more information to your application. Let us know some of your traits that you think would be useful for a moderator to have. Maybe check some accepted applications? They are usually a good place to take ideas from. DO NOT COPY though. That will just get you no where in terms of moderating. Best of luck, Kyle.
No Support: Improve activity Add more detail Maybe add colour, perhaps take hints from other accepted applications. Good luck ;)
I told that already a few people. You need to add much more detail, a cool design, it should be fun to read, and pleas improve yer grammar. Good luck!
What does a cool design how to do with him being able to moderate a server? :p Anyways, no support not enough information and I've never seen you before. Good luck.
A cool design shows that you care about your mod app. It also gives a really good view of your personality. People with same colored texts and basic font tend to be organized, but serious, deadly serious. Peoples personalities tend to be messed up, if they show it off on their mod app (messed up, bright coloring) People with same amount of changing (readable!) colors and a nicely formed mod app, are fun to hang out with, a little messed up, yet organized too. A short mod app without any changes show that you haven't put any effort in it. --> Not qualified for being careless. I hope could help you out with that!
I'm sorry, but you don't seem to understand me. I said adding designs isn't necessary, I'm very sure that he cares about his moderator application, I did not state that it is not necessary to care about the application. I do have experience thank you, and if you read the accepted moderator applications, you can see some of them did not need simple designs.