meow. idunkno you eiter :c You're one of the few on this server with access to the dankest memes that this royally screwed up web of pain we call the internet has. Drink chocolate milk. :t: hayy i dont kno you pls nu snipe meh i nub at csgo you iz kewl m8. I r8 8/8. nice house (referring to the bin[oh wait you're a bin aren't you{i done messed up now}]) when I see your faaaaace, it's everything that I would change, cuz slots are not prettay, just da way dey arrrr herro wink, i dont remember how we met, then again i dont remember how i met the majority of the peeps at prison a very cool guy, jk he's trash
yas rude, I'll have you know i used auto clicker, and i didnt know it was bannable .____. and i only got banned once, dont be rude ples, you hert mah feelings ;-;
I'm fairly sure you got banned twice. Aura and auto clicker, when it comes to mcmmo are the same thing.
lol, auto clicker technically isn't a hack, and the aura was false too, since the reporter was only laggin'. :p Not tryin' to justify it or anything but I'm just layin down the facts
You're gr8 at pvp m8. You've climbed from C prisoner to free in like a week. You got true skill aura. Respect.
i dont know you but you seem like a duck, and i know a duck when i see one. You i dont know you arf arf