Enchant This clan is all about teamwork, friendship and complete domination. Want to join us? Copy this format. ================================================================== Format: Ign: Your Rank (You don't need a rank): Skype name (Pm it) (Optional): Why do you want to join us? (Please put in some detail): Pvp/Bow skills 1-10: What are your strengths? ========================================================================== Rules: Respect Everyone in the clan/Everyone in general No swearing/Rude content Be good sports Have fun No giving out anyone Else's skype/personal info Follow all the rules or be kicked out ========================================================================== Clan Ranks (Can be promoted to higher rank over time): Owner(s): @AthleticPsycho , @ParanormalPizza , @Jhow Admins: @Elrak @Rodeen Warriors: @TADS4 Members: @Electric @DeltaMC [/USER] Want a clan battle? Pm all 3 owners and explain why you want to battle us. ==================================================================== Thanks, Alma.[/user]
Ign: DeltaMC Your Rank (You don't need a rank): Titan Skype name (Optional): *Optional* >;3 Why do you want to join us? (Please put in some detail): I want to help dominate the world. I'm also friends with chu owners so *Thumbs Up* Pvp/Bow skills 1-10: I say a 8 or 9. What are your strengths? Building, getting caught and ending up in prison, playing infection.
Ign: Elrak Your Rank (You don't need a rank): God Skype name (Optional): You have my skype. Why do you want to join us? (Please put in some detail): You asked me to and it'd be a great experience. Pvp/Bow skills 1-10: I'm considered a good PvPer by most, but then again, that's your decision. What are your strengths? Teamwork, PvP.
Ign: Electric_ Your Rank (You don't need a rank): Donation rank - (VIP) Skype name (Optional): You already know & not mentioning this for safety. Why do you want to join us? (Please put in some detail): To help the clan. :P Pvp/Bow skills 1-10: PvP - 9.9 | Bow - 7 What are your strengths? I'm good in pvp.
Ign: TADS4 Your Rank (You don't need a rank): God Skype name (Pm it) (Optional): You already have it ;p Why do you want to join us? (Please put in some detail): Idk, I've never really been in a clan before and I think it'd be cool to join ;p Pvp/Bow skills 1-10: Bow: 8 | PvP: 7-8 What are your strengths? I have lots, and lots, of sets. And I'm fairly decent with a bow
================================================================== Format: Ign: DeltaMC Your Rank (You don't need a rank): Titan Skype name (Pm it) (Optional): I do not have skype, sorry :( Why do you want to join us? (Please put in some detail): I think it will be a good expirience, and I enjoy be in a clan making new threads with new people. I am friends with the most of you but I guess we could become more friends . Pvp/Bow skills 1-10: Probably a 8 or maybe a 9. What are your strengths? My best is probably building, I'm quite good at playing both prison servers and infection though. ==========================================================================
Check out the new thread, http://www.mineverse.com/threads/enchant.74553/ @AthleticPsycho Said I could make a new thread for the clan.
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