We need new prestiges. I believe this because i have seen many p10 players, and they really want to have more levels (IMO). So I think i may have an idea on how to build these new prestiges, to help these people.There will be 5 new prestiges, each with different symbols. I also think infection needs a reset, considering MANY veterans are P10 Sgtmaj. I think of these prestiges as a 'reset' for these veterans, for new powers, etc. So thank you for taking your time to read this. P11: Symbol: Ω (power of a strong zombie.) Reward: Iron sword knockback 1 fire 1 shar 1, Bow (1 arrow) p12. Symbol: ☾ (To represent darkness of zombie) reward: Diamond sword (unenchanted), bow (1 arrow) p13. symbol: ⅓ (Representing 13 (without slash marks) ) Reward: Diamond sword sharp 1, bow (1 arrow) p14. Symbol: ★ (Represents the ultimate skill) reward: Diamond sword sharp 1, bow (2 arrows) p15/last prestige. Symbol: ♚ (To represent king of infection) Reward: Every aspect from prestige 1-3 Diamond sword sharp 1 bow (1 arrow) and a title (if possible): &4 (to represent blood):[ZombieGod] EDIT: Jhow has asked me to debuff/nerf p15 a little bit. here's what i did: Removed 1 arrow from bow Removed knockback 1 from sword EDIT 2: I have also removed the communist symbol from p15 and replaced it due to the request of many people who say other people take the symbol seriously. EDIT 3: @Alex has told me to switch p15 and p11 symbols around p15 being god/king of infection. :D
Support, although I know you said not to be racist on the symbol for 15, but some people in game can take this seriously. Maybe find another symbol?
Support, I have been stuck with the same prestige for a long time and it started to get quite annoying seeing that I have nothing else that I can earn.
Support altho perhaps a diff symbol for 15 for the reasons sniper stated. A reset would be cool as a new clean slate to start on. I hope Cyp adds this to Infec tbh
Support, but some people in-game can take the symbol for p15 seriously and take offence to it. Change it then full support
Support, I don't have even one prestige yet but I'm close. If I do get to P10 I'd like to progress even higher then usual.
this would be great but the only downside is that new people joining would just get completely rekt by p15's
True I'll debuff as for those of you who said the symbol for p15 was racist to those, ill find a new one. I'm editing rn so meh. :>