No support,I haven't seen you ingame or on forums,and some of the plugin suggestions are...Controversial.
What kind of things? How? Really? This is unnecessary. Add more to this section. You can already give feedback on other applications without being mod, why would having mod make it any different? We know as you've said it 3 times. No support but good luck anyway
Server name? What? Rank's don't give you a higher chance of getting the position. When was this? (Just say if it was recent or not). Once again, server name please? And how many players on daily? That's what a developer might do. A moderator moderates the server to make sure everyone is alright. Fix these to gain my support. ^^^ Good luck!
I disiked it not simply because you were saying you didn't like it but you did not give a deliberate reason why... because so many people do that then just leaves the form it becomes an issue. So as I said before please say why you disklike it next time
fixed some issues want to see how you feel about it now :D btw the ban was not recent about a year ago