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  • NA ★Cheetah's Moderator Application★

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by cheetahswimmer, Feb 24, 2016.

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    1. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
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      Before I begin,
      I would like to state first that I am sincerely sorry to those of the community I have hurt, disrespected, and ignored. I would also like to take the time to say I am sorry about my hacking background. In the beginning, I never thought of hacking and I never wanted to, but then I was given a client from a friend (we have now lost touch due the type of influence she had on me, you don’t want to know). I hacked for a while up until I was banned, I realized this wasn’t a good way to show the server what I am truly like on the inside. So, I am here to show the community what I am truly like, I believe you can do anything you want as long as you set your mind to it and nothing is impossible. I am here to apply for global moderator to this wonderful and loving community.


      Welcome to my Moderator Application!

      My name is Erika, also known as cheetah in-game, and I would like to thank you for taking the time to review my application. Please give me feedback about my application as I am currently still improving myself from my past and your suggestions could help.
      I hope you enjoy my application!
      If you do not know who I am, please feel free to read my Introduction post linked here!



      ★How old are you?★
      I am 13 years old and I will be turning 14 on August 14th.

      ★Your in-game name★
      cheetahswimmer (current)
      ultimatecheetah (older)
      I may be changing my username again, if I do, I will update this application.

      ★What timezone are you in?★
      Eastern Standard Timezone (EST)
      or UTC-05:00

      ★What country do you live in?★
      I currently live in the USA, to be exact, Maryland :)

      ★What languages do you speak?★
      I speak English, Chinese, and I am currently taking an Honors Spanish class in school.

      ★Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?★
      Yes, I use Quicktime Player for recording videos. I have a youtube channel linked here:
      I use the screenshot command (command+shift+3), on Apple Mac laptops and the Gyazo application, to screenshot evidence.

      ★Why do you think you should become a mod?★
      I believe I should become a moderator because I believe in doing what’s right for the server, keeping it free from disrespect, hacking, griefing, scamming, and etc.. I also contain the following character traits crucial for being a moderator.

      ☯Reliable and Responsible☯
      I am very efficient and diligent in general, I have a serious work ethic that drives me to get things done at a quick enough pace. As a moderator, players to rely on you to help them with server questions. I am a very reliable person, many of my friends and my family rely on me for many things such as chores, help with personal issues, help in general, etc.. If I am accepted into the staff network, I will surely attend to any and all players needs.

      Currently, I help any of the players with in-game needs such as how to play games, in-game commands, and rules. I know a lot (not everything!) about the server and I continue to learn more each day I am online.

      ☯Friendly and Caring☯
      I am mostly friendly to everyone, but everyone has those days where you’re aggravated in some sort of way. I have those days, sometimes, and I will admit, to anger problems on those days. Otherwise I am completely calm and friendly to everyone, I politely answer to everyone's needs and am very patient. It may seem that I don’t care about many player’s needs, but honestly I do. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or come and say hello if you see me online!

      ☯Honesty and Trustworthy☯
      Trustworthiness goes along with reliability, many players trust me to do the right thing and, I feel I have many supporters, but I do not know the numbers. I am also a completely honest person. I never lie, it’s completely untrustworthy, and it’s one of the worst things a friend could do. I am a completely honest person. If I can’t do something, I would come out and say “Sorry, but I wasn’t able to do it.” If you believe I lied before in the past, I am truly sorry you believe that, but in all honesty, I do not lie.

      I pay full respect towards ALL players as much as possible. I don’t ignore players, if I have, I would like to take the chance to say sorry for neglecting you, but I can’t see every single chat at once.

      ☯Equality/Un-Biased and Understanding☯

      In times of consequences I do not take sides, I listen to both sides and get outside information from witnesses. I do not show favouritism, every player is equal, rank or no-rank. Each player should follow the rules. One punishment is not lighter than the other is, it is the same wrongdoing. Also, I am a very understanding person, I understand many peoples issues in-game and in real life, friends come to me to spill out feelings and I know how to comfort them, which also is a part of being caring. I understand the reason of why people chat in certain ways, or perform the actions against another player, there is always a back-story to the actions performed by a player, and I will always understand that.

      I wouldn’t say I’m totally mature in game, but I am a very mature person outside of gaming. I understand there are times to joke around and there are times to be serious. I can transfer from one to another very quickly. Mineverse is a server where people can come online and play different game modes and have fun playing with friends. Each player also needs to follow the set of rules provided and I have become very serious about these rules as I am becoming a more mature player. I can change from joking around to serious very quickly when my services are needed.

      I believe I am a very active player on Mineverse. I play in almost all of the game modes, but mostly Survival, BedWars, and both Prison servers. If you don’t see me online, it is probably either because I have swimming or timezones. I am also still a little new to forums, but I am online every day. If you have any constructive criticism of my activeness, please comment! I would like to hear your thoughts, it would help me out a lot!

      I hold knowledge that would help me as a moderator. I know the basic commands:

      /ban (username) (reason)
      /unban (player)
      /mute (player) (time)
      /tempban (username) (reason)
      /kick (player) (reason)

      I understand when to give out warnings, mute a player, when to start thinking about banning a player, and etc.. I would not directly ban someone until I have clear enough evidence that proves he/she has broken a rule.

      I also know about, which I completely regret doing, hacking. I know hacks from Anti-Knockback to NoSlow to NameTags. The experiences I had with hacks would help me identify hackers more clearly. I would like to state now and will state later in my application, in all honesty, I have stopped using hacks. I have deleted all forms of hacking two months ago and I DO NOT plan on using them anymore. I totally regret my wrongdoing and I am still currently changing myself for the better, and to also make Mineverse a hacker-free environment. I want to show the community that I have completely changed my identity from hacking to legit, and this would be the start of a new beginning for me.

      ★Other Traits I Contain:★
      I am a team player and I can collaborate and co-operate with everyone nicely. I am an extremely hard worker, although I may joke around about being lazy, I am not. I am also incredibly persistent, I don’t believe in the “impossible,” there is always a way. I would never give up even when I’m close to losing hope, I keep going.

      ★How long have you been playing on Mineverse?★
      I have been playing since the August of 2015, I learned of this server after my birthday and quickly became an addicted player. I have made new friends and met a lot of new people on this server and have learned a lot about them! It’s great because I love meeting new people!

      ★How long can you be active on the server every day?★
      I have a basic schedule for my gaming/school/athletics days:

      Monday: (Swim) Around 4:00pm to 11:00pm
      Tuesday: (Swim) Around 7:00pm to 11:00pm
      Wednesday: Around 3:30pm to 4:30pm (Swim) 8:00pm to 11:00pm
      Thursday: (Swim) Around 7:00pm to 9:00pm
      Friday: (Swim) Around 3:30pm to 11:00pm
      Saturday: (Swim) After when I get home
      Sunday: The time I get up to 8:00pm
      Forums: Every day-as much as possible

      I am extremely dedicated to my sport, and school is also especially important, so there will be days when I am completely not on, such as weekends, sometimes Thursday through Sunday, due to the more larger swim competitions (such as Junior Olympics and Junior Nationals).

      ★Have you ever been banned on Mineverse before?★
      In complete honesty, yes, I was temporarily banned for hacking, which completely changed me. I believe that hacking actually made me a stronger person, it helped my find more about hacks and how they work. If I never owned a hacked client, I believe I wouldn’t be as knowledgeable as I am today. I stopped hacking two months ago, and I believe I changed for the better when I stopped hacking. Hacking is a thing of the past for me and I do not plan to hack anymore, I assured this by removing my hacked client and any form of hacks from my Minecraft folder.

      ★Do you have any past experience as a moderator?★
      No, but I have played with moderators in game, I have learned a lot from them, and I continue to learn from them today. They maintain stability within the server and work hard to make sure everyone is following the rules, going through each game mode to make sure nothing is being abused, watching out for hackers, and no one is using profanity, caps, racism against other players.

      ★Other Information About Me★
      I am an USA Swimming member and a swimmer for Nation’s Capital Swim Club in Maryland. As a swimmer, I learn to work well with teammates in relays, I co-operate and coordinate my races with my coaches, and I persevere through physical and mental challenges in the sport. This is my favourite thing in the entire world, I can’t stop swimming (literally, I can’t), that’s what makes me so determined and so persistent to get things done. I work hard and I don’t give up on my goals, even if they’re so far out of reach, which is an extremely crucial key in swimming. This has driven me to achieve many of my goals, breaking records and getting onto the USA Top Five Swimmers list in almost nine events. This also applies to becoming a moderator and it is one key trait each mod needs in game, to participate and co-operate with other players.


      Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I express my gratitude to you fully. If I am accepted into the Mineverse Staff, I promise I will not let anyone down. I will take this job very seriously like it was any other important task. If I have done something to annoy you in the past, I deeply apologize to you from the bottom of my heart. Please do not dwell on the past, I’m a changed person.


      For those of you who comment "be more active in-game/on forums"
      Please understand that I am very, very active. Just because I don't have "Active Member" on forums, does not mean I am not active. Also, there may be possibilities of me not being active because of timezone differences or my schedule. Thank you again.
      Support: 60
      Neutral: 7
      No Support: 5

      Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
    2. Coastic

      Coastic Well-Known Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      Support. Good luck, Cheetah. :)
    3. cuban

      cuban Experienced Member

      Sep 23, 2015
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      Cheetah, you know I support you all the way. <3
      You're everything we would need.
      Love you ;*
    4. LlamaHoe

      LlamaHoe Experienced Member

      Sep 20, 2015
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      Support. You're really helpful and kind.
    5. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
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      Thank you so much! Good luck to you too, I hope the very best for you! :)
      Thank you so much bae :) You support me all the way and I would do the same for you. Love you <3<3

      @LlamaHoe I just saw your comment right as I posted this, thank you so much, I'm so sorry that I was so rude to you after you know what : ( I hope we can be friends again.
    6. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Support, be more active in-game and on the forums though. You don't have much forum posts and you're not very active in-game from what I've seen. Good luck! :)
    7. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I will do the best I can, thank you for the feedback!
    8. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No problem, I'm still supporting you though because to be honest this app is just beautiful! <3
    9. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you so much! It means a lot to me <3
    10. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No Support

      • Support
      • Support
      • Support
      Support! :D Very professional application. You would be a good moderator!
    11. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support :)
    12. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      But I'd liks to see you a bit more active in-game/forums!
    13. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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    14. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support! Nice and helpful, also active.

      Good luck! :)
    15. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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    16. Thnyan559

      Thnyan559 Experienced Member

      Sep 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
    17. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      • Active
    18. AnnaNZ

      AnnaNZ Active Member

      Feb 13, 2016
      Likes Received:
    19. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support
    20. Frooes

      Frooes Experienced Member

      Dec 20, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Aye cheetah.~
      I support you all the way, of course.
      You just have to be a bit more active, as stated above a few times. But school and all can get in the way, which is understandable.
      In any case, good luck.~
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