This command heals the whole server, and on OpPvP the swords go up to sharp 30 which makes it almost impossible to survive without a gapple! You die in three hits if you don't have one on. The same goes for Kitpvp and Archer PvP! Getting healed removes all potion effects and I think we should remove the titan command where they can heal all of us. I died twice today because of a titan healing me and not being able to gap before he kills me. I think this is way to unfair and it makes the game unenjoyable. Take this into consideration, on the game modes like kitpvp and archerpvp where you can take /heal and actually enjoy it because your health goes up and you don't die. This is OpPvP where you need your Op apple effects to survive. Thank you for reading this, if you have any comments please leave them below.
Dont think its possible to make it so you cant heal everyone (but idrk) Honestly they should just take /heal (player) away from titan all together in my opinion.
Any pvp server should have this removed... With the exception of sruvival since not a whole lot of pvp goes on there. Support
Sure. In survival,it is a partly integral thing in the community to pvp.The reason is the easiness to get ahold of maxed armor-what else is there to do next?There are pvp arenas built on various places,or players just choose an empty field.It is pretty unlucky when a titan does the command and you lose the fight.
They are stars of David? Thanks for the support! Thanks for the support! Could you tell me why you gave this neutral so I can add it to my thread? because it is unfair for every rank or no rank below titan. I could see that working, but I don't think it's possible.