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  • Moderator Application: XxPvPMasterQ82Xx

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Alex Bourne, Feb 24, 2016.

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    1. Alex Bourne

      Alex Bourne Active Member

      Feb 13, 2016
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      Hello my name's Alex, also known as XxPvPMasterQ82Xx on Minecraft and other games I play. I've been playing Mineverse for around nine months now and it's been one of the greatest experiences I've had. I love all the game modes on the server and I'd finally love to start Moderating them. I'm mostly known on the Player Vs Player servers but I do always jump on every game mode to get reports or even talk to my friends. I've met a lot of amazing friends that I still talk to this day and I couldn't ask for anything that I have to change. I'd like to thank all of my friends who encouraged me to re-apply! This is my second Moderator application since I and others didn't think the first one went too well. I was also new when making it. This is my second moderator applicationand I hope I do well. So here I go, wish me luck!
      I've disrespected in the past on this server but I feel like I've learned from my mistakes and I'm ready to start moderating a big server like Mineverse. I hope you guys do as well as I'm a very active person in-game and on the forums constantly reporting anyone I can and being respectful, responsible, etc. I'm sorry for my past actions, it won't happen again.
      How old are you?
      I'm currently 16 years old. (Turned 16 last September)
      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is XxPvPMasterQ82Xx. I'm mostly known for my old names, _Wolf_Slayer-_ and Alexieoo. I don't plan on changing my name anytime soon.
      What timezone are you in?
      Pacific Standard Time

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America
      What languages do you speak?
      I only speak English. Unfortunately, I've never learned any other language.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes I use Fraps to record hackers and scammers. I also use the useful in-game feature (Fn+F2) to report Spammers, Advertisers, etc.
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I think I should become a Moderator for Mineverse because, I'm a very big attribute to the server, I report as many people as I can when ever I can. I'm a very active person on Mineverse playing on almost every game mode but mostly the Player-Vs-Player servers. I've been here for quite some time now and I feel like I've now been experienced enough to start moderating a big server like Mineverse. If I was to become a mod I wouldn't abuse my powers in anyway shape or form. I would use them responsibly like a good moderator should. That's why I think I should become a mod, I've left a few traits I have below.

      I'm a highly respectful person, if someone's angry or upset with me and cussing me out or doing something to offend me I'll handle it in a mature way and following by reporting them. This is highly not likely that someone would do this to me though as I'm mostly on everyone's good side on Mineverse and I wouldn't want to change that, ever. I respect everyone on the forums and of course in-game I've never been muted or banned for being disrespectful or any example of that.

      I'm a very caring person. I'f I'm doing something even if it's really important I will always make sure to help out that user no matter what their issue is. I help and respect the user even if they're getting frustrated with their issue. Caring for people is something I really do and love to do on a daily basis and that'd never change.

      I'm very mature when I'm in a situation where I need to be mature. I also do joke around as we all do some times but I never take it way too far where it offends the person in anyway. I know I'm only 13 and some people seem as that's a age where a person would be immature but I feel and others know that I'm very mature. I feel like I can do a amazing job at Moderating Mineverse.

      I'm highly helpful this is one of the biggest traits you need as a Moderator. I help any person that says they need help or ask new members if they need help all the time. I love helping people and I always have loved to help people it's one of my most favorite things to do in real life and Minecraft. If I see someone that needs help I'll always message them on the forums or in-game because I know just about every issue a person has and usually can always help with what they need. If I don't know the answer to the problem I'll usually always tell them to ask another person that would know such as a Staff Member. That's why I think I'm helpful.

      I'm very active on the server and on the forums every single day. I've been playing around nine months and I feel like that is enough time to get well-known and acknowledge all of the rules. I play around 5-6 hours a day on schooldays and 9-13 on weekends. I've always loved Mineverse from the day I started and I don't plan to ever go in active unless there's an issue I need to deal with.

      I'm a very responsible person, if someone's gained my trust I would never break their trust in me. I would never abuse my moderator permissions. Abusing your moderator applications or losing someone's trust in you is very irresponsible and that's not something I'd ever or want to do.

      I'm a decent typer, I can type around 70 words a minute and I think that's pretty fast and it's really important to be able to type fast enough if someone's needing my help or me banning/muting someone quick enough if needed.

      I'm a very friendly person. Ever since I've joined the forums and the server I've made many friends some of my best friends are limelight and Rodeen. They've helped me a lot through my Mineverse journey and I thank them a lot. I'm friendly towards everyone on mine verse and I try to be as nice as I can to anyone, even if they're being disrespectful towards me.

      I'm a very welcoming person. If I see that someone new has joined Infection, OpPvP, or any game at all I will always welcome them and try to help them out to the best of my ability. I see lots of new players coming onto the Mineverse server and the forums all the time and I know it's one of the best traits someone could have is welcoming someone in-game or on the forums.

      I'm going to be honest, my grammar is not the best but I'm working on it everyday and trying to fix all the spelling and punctuation errors. I try my best when it comes to Grammar and I'll try to work at it a lot.

      I am very aware either if it's on the forums or in-game. I'm always checking if I have messages, responses to my reports, and new threads on the help forum to help with. I know it's very important to be aware as a Moderator because, people need to rely on you when they're messaging you to give them a response which I always do and would always continue to do as a Moderator for Mineverse.

      I'm a very calm person. If I die in-game I'm not the type of person to rage and cuss out the person that has killed me. I know people are not the most Calm when I kill them in a game so I try to take it in the best way possible and not disrespect back. As doing so wouldn't be very nice and wouldn't be moderator worthy.

      I've been staff on a couple of small servers and learned some of the basic commands when Moderating such as,
      /mute (player) (amount of time) (reason)
      /ban (player) (amount of time) (reason) ~Recyclinq if invalid appeal @ mineverse.com
      /tempban (player) (time) (reason) ~Recyclinq if invalid appeal @ mineverse.com
      /kick (player) (amount of time)
      /tp (player)
      /unban (player)

      There's also most likely a few other commands that I may not know about but I'd be willing to learn while Moderating Mineverse.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Sunday - 4-10 hours
      Monday - 2- 6 hours
      Tuesday - 2-6 hours
      Wednesday - 2-6 hours
      Thursday - 2-6 hours
      Friday - 2-6 hours
      Saturday - 4-10 hours

      I've got two monitors so It's about the same time as my in-game time. These can change on some days due to something I have to deal with so I'll be on longer or shorter depending on what's going on that day.

      Activity Conclusion:
      I know as a Moderator activity is one of the most important things when becoming a Moderator.. I would be one of the most active Moderators for the Mineverse server and I believe the times I've listed above is enough to Moderator a server. I hope you all agree as well. If I need to be on longer on some days I will try to be but I do have school and family business to deal with sometimes. But all through that I will be an active Moderator if I got promoted.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I've been playing Mineverse since about April of 2015. On the forums I've been here since late October but still have lots of experience with the forums from being here only a short time.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      No and I don't ever plan on it.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      I've had experience of Moderating small servers such as a server called The Red stone Isle which was owned by my friend which unfortunately about one year ago got shut down and I never heard from him again. After this happening even though it doesn't seem much like I know how to Moderate but I do know Commands such as said above my Moderator application.

      I wanna thank all the owners, and moderators that make this server be possible everyday. It's one of the biggest experiences I've ever had to play on this server and meet all of the many friends that I have. If this server was never made I wouldn't of met all these amazing people in this community. This is my second application and I feel like I'm doing the best that I can, If there's anything I can fix please tell me down below and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible. Thanks again everyone, happy posting! I wanna thank my friends that encouraged to apply and wanted me to be a Moderator for Mineverse, thanks a lot!

      I've added a bit more information to my application including some guides I've recently created. If you're going to leave a Support or a No support may you make sure that I know the reason why, thanks!
    2. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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    3. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      @Scorvix If you didn't realize, he copied my application and has two open. No support at all.
    4. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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