Nether was one of the original 9 maps. Now, only 4 of those original maps remain. I am suggesting Nether to be added to the map rotation again. The reason Nether was removed was because of a glitch that would ruin the map. Thus, is was removed, and a new Nether map was put in. But it was soon discovered that the same glitch could also break that map. The reason I am suggesting to have the original Nether added again is because it was one of the best maps, and quite some time ago I came up with a solution. Thread containing the solution for Nether is below. Please support the thread in the link if you support this thread. And vise versa. Here's some game play of Nether.
Support looks good. Just hope it doesn't interfere with my map too much that I will be submitting soon...
I barely play Infection, but I know that map real good tho. I think it should be added back it was lit. :OO
Miss these times so much. Unfortunately I can't support, one of my all time favourite maps but the map constantly gets griefed or glitched. There is no guaranties no one will glitch it again.