Put the most helpful player's name and reason why. (Your own opinion) in-game name: reason: Mine: IGN: @Snowy Reason: She've made alot of helpful threads, like Moderator Guides and more, keep going Snowy! IGN: @TADS4 Reason: He's been the most mature member since he got Moderator, he've been helping alot of people out. I need to thank you for this, Tads. ;) IGN: @AmazingFireGirl Reason: Since she's Head-Mod, she goes for everything to help other people, yes ofcourse, that's why she's Head-Mod. She also is very mature for her age, there aren't that much people like her. IGN: @Pile_of_Butts Reason: She's Forum-Administrator, so she needs to help alot of people with Forum-problems, and she's trying her best to complete everything, gg Pile. And alot more, but I'm too lazy to tag them. ._.
@Ares Reason : I like to think I assist players in game, although not everyone may see this as sometimes I do it in PMs.
@MrPronounce Great arguments,mature,friendly,definition of a person who needs to be a moderator.(Again.) @SnakeVenomPvP I have this guy on speed-dial when I see a hacker. @CountryGirl_ Recording the hackers and rule breakers,and also very active.Very friendly and nice overall. @ItsSniiper Same as above :p @TADS4 A mod with humor and is active almost all day. @tin15cro Someone who has conversations with the community!*Gasp*.Also helpful. @Herf Looking back on how he got mod,and the service he is doing despite the new mod hate...Well,you get it.
It's hard to choose, as there are so many helpful people and a lot of helpful moderators. @Nightfire - Hard working, and knows what he's doing! @Pile_of_Butts - Forum Administrator, so definitely hard working! Not only that, but she is always trying to make the server a better place for everyone.@Nanurz - Brilliant moderator, as well as a helpful and kind person. Like I said above, every moderator and previous moderator are hard-working and helpful! More staff members that have helped me, or been very kind: @Diggy @Scorvix @Exstatisfy @TADS4 @Dyna_Mighty @Alex @MrPronounce @Janice999
@MrPronounce was a great mod and will be a great mod once repromoted, an amazing friend who helps me with everything.
@Pile_of_Butts @Janice999 @Nightfire @Nanurz @Mineterria @OfficiallyUnknown @Dyna_Mighty @Zulfqar @elephznt @Rodeen @MR_B3N_123 @xKirito @Nitro <----(thanks for the help in op pvp) side-note: Don't you mean for 2k15, the year just started
Best of luck to you both too Also, I know I've had my ups and down with the way I've acted on this server. I'm sorry for all of it and I am stopping that, once and for all.
@Pile_of_Butts She means a lot to me. She's helped me through more than she should have, which I truly love her for. Thank you so much for being there for me. I love you so much! <3
My list: @iTzLevisFFS guiding me through a lot ad of stuff like the forums and even in game. @Pile_of_Butts works her butt off (XD) to make sure the forums are a safe nice environment. @TADS4 really great mod. Always does his best to help and is really nice (helped me too much :p). @Scorvix was a great mod and has helped me quite a lot as well :D. I have loads more as well but it would take ages to list. @Rodeen @Nitro @AthleticPsycho @Dyna_Mighty @Hollypix @cheetahswimmer Some not on forums: Oxagonploke (with my map and teaching me how to build) Maplemikey (teaching me PvP) Dandedonut (also PvP) K0l0k0y_yan