Well we all know on creative, most of it is rp's. I suggest that we create or get a plugin that already exists that is something like this. Well we all know on creative, most of it is rp's. I suggest that we create or get a plugin that already exists that is something like this. So, people would create an RP by doing /RP create (name) as you said. They'd be able to invite people, and once you join the RP, only the people in your group see those messages. For example, to stand out from the rest of chat, people in your RP group would have different colored chat or something. To leave an RP, you'd do /RP leave. Also, to prevent spam, there should be a rule that states that you can't use RP in the regular chat. You just use it in a group, or else you will be temporarily muted/banned (all @Coastic words that helped explain more.) There could be many other settings like setting spawns and chests and stuff. Then once the RP is filled, it simply creates a party of all the players who are in it. Then when it's done you can do /RP rate 1-10 :D idea by @8top to have /rp list so there's no recruitment spam. It would make the players who do the rp's way more happier. Thanks for reading!
Support. This is a smart idea. It's pretty confusing when there's tons of rps going on and you get stuck in who's rp your in, also for the people who dont want to see the rp, it'll be easier.
Expanding from your idea: So, people would create an RP by doing /RP create (name) as you said. They'd be able to invite people, and once you join the RP, only the people in your group see those messages. For example, to stand out from the rest of chat, people in your RP group would have different colored chat or something. To leave an RP, you'd do /RP leave. Also, to prevent spam, there should be a rule that states that you can't use RP in the regular chat. You just use it in a group, or else you will be temporarily muted/banned. (I know some of this was a given, I just felt like going into more detail. )
Exactly, i will add this in thank you coastic. Thanks! Thanks! Sorry about the double post I accidently tapped post on the first one xD
support ;) Mainly when I go to creative, I participate in some role plays or you can see me building at my plot by myself