How old are you? - 15 Your in-game name: - GreasyBandage What timezone are you in? - Pacific What country do you live in? - United states of Ling Ling What languages do you speak? - English,Mesican,Ling Ling,German,Tagalog,Dash and stupidity. I also learned japanese from anime subtitles. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) - My eyes Why do you think you should become a mod? - So I can keep those pesky immigrants(Hackers) off of Mineverse. We need to build a wall to stop the spammers from getting in, #MakeMineverseGreatAgain How long can you be active on the server everyday? - I am homeschooled so I can only be on once a month. I cant be on because I dont have access to my computer when I am not home. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Early 2014 Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I plead the fifth. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yeah, if you make me one.
no support. Asking for chance to be mod will lower your chances of becoming one. With you being homeschooled, this will greatly lower your chance of helping people thus causing more hackers.
"I'm homeschooled and I can only play once a month" Nice. "I don't have access to my computer when I'm not home" State the obvious. There's also something called minechat.
Hmm... I see where you're coming from. Read between the lines. When GreasyBandage says "homeschool" he is alluding to the play "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare references the Ugandan children who come to America by tribal dancing. You must consider his use of imagery and the diverse tone in this sentence. The word "computer" is actually symbolism for his blue curtains that change just as his emotions do.
I just explained it... I'll use another explanation. When GreasyBandage refers to "United States of Ling Ling" he is alluding to Charles Dickens' book "A Christmas Carol". LING LING represents Tiny Tim who soon dies in the story, and then Scrooge becomes homeless. The use of similes in this application shows the anger that was involved with the Russians attack in World War II. He makes sure to note how Anne Frank left her diary in the house when he says "What is your IGN". GreasyBandage is a true hero of our time.