Maybe have /v for one rank (the regular /v) then for the other rank still have /v, but you can still see their name in tab.
Yeah, moderators should have the regular /v. If it were up to me, 'Titans' wouldn't have this command. I understand why they have it though, considering how much money they spent towards the server.
Good idea, but for the Mods who hate/dislike the specifics which ask them for help, it's a ticket out. No support.
Those mods would most likely ignore the person anyway. I also just added another reason as to why staff should have it, and that is so that they can watch hackers without being seen.
While I was moderating here, it was being discussed. They clearly went about saying that moderators were not trusted enough not to abuse while using the vanish command. I honestly felt it was unfair. If you abuse while moderating, you will be found out eventually. It is bound to happen. Give more trust to the people you choose to help moderate the server. The vanish command would allow the mods to do much more than just have a short break. Hackers would be easily found out this way, as most are aware, as soon as one sees that a mod is online, they toggle their hacks. Full support.
But Titans like me need this rank so people don't say "hey it's Glitcher!" In chat and what do you know I'm compromised!
Considering that they'd still be on the /staff list players would still find them. But rather than PM them they'd spam the moderators name in chat.
Still doesn't take away from the benefits of watching hackers without being noticed. Also, many new members/hackers don't even know of the /staff list.
I really feel like staff should be trusted more. At least with a command such as "vanish." If it's abused, the moderator will eventually be caught.
This is a tough decision for me. How would players be able to notify a moderator about any current online hacker? If there was a solution (Like a command that notifies a mod) People would constantly spam it, making it hard for moderators to do their job and lessen any free time they would have to actually play the server. I'm neutral for now.
Like Athletic said, It can be easily abused. Besides, they will still appear on /Staff. No Support, Sorry.