No support. I think the current system suits best. Moderators can go anywhere on the server (except minigames) and perform their duties and there is no harm in that. I'd say get the most out of every moderator whilst we have them.
Adding a little more input: Wouldn't it be better if all Moderators started off as trial, unless they have been a Moderator before?
Adding on to my suggestion as well, I think every Moderator that is accepted should become a trial mod unless Cyp deems them ready for global.
If there is proof they were a mod on another server, they would still be global? Support, this works out really well on sky block, so why not put it here?
Most likely Cyp would have to think they were ready, not just have proof of them moderating a 10+ server.
^ If it was a server that was similar to this, both permissions/plugins and popularity, then I think they should just have a go at Global
Thanks! I think you should get to choose, it'd be more fair but if you apply global and Cypriot isn't to sure for what position you should go to, then maybe just trial? Or if you're app is good but your okay then trial?
Support, and for those who were mods already could skip the trial mod part, just because they know the commands and they are experienced.