Greetings! While on creative, I realized that moderators don't have /v, but people with the 'Titan' rank do. I believe that all staff should have this command in order to get privacy, or, more importantly, when they're trying to watch hackers. 'Titan' ranks do not necessarily need this command, but I feel like it is necessary for all staff. Many servers have this implemented, and although it could lead to abuse, I feel like it would bring more help than harm. Someone that abuses the command wouldn't get away with it forever. ;) Leave your opinions! Edit: It should be like this on all gamemodes.
This command could be easily abused by moderators, if they just simply didn't want to help someone, but I also believe that if titans can have this command then all mods should have this command. Support.
Oh, come on. Be optimistic. If a moderator abuses the command, someone will eventually find out. And if a moderator is willing to abuse any command, I'm sure they're not a useful moderator anyway.
They should have /v on all servers to spectate although it would be abused or could be abused. Support.
Support. many hackers turn off the hacks when they see a Mod recording them :I so /v would also be nice for that
This would also help then report players. Because I don't think if someone knows there is a Mod is on/watching them they are going to break a rule...
Player's could still do /staff if theirs a moderator in /v the /staff command still show's if theirs a mod on the server.
Titans don't always volunteer to help the server, but the staff members do. I would hope that a moderator is more trusted than any random person in the community.