1. Who is most likely to get mod? 2. Who is most likely to get head mod? State your reasons!! 1. @iTzLevisFFS - super friendly and patient with new members. He has written a great a well structured mod app considering English is his 2nd language @CountryGirl_ - really nice in game and on the forums. She has also wrote a great mod app @Elliot - has a well written mod app and works really hard to get mod. @MaxNinja10 (again) - he is also really friendly and solves problems well. 2. @TADS4 - friendly in game and on the forums and deserves a chance at being a head mod. #Tads4headmod
1. @TADS4 You're gonna be the head mod,like it or not 2. @SnakeVenomPvP @CountryGirl_ @ItsSniiper Pls accept them Noob
Is this necessary? People always make threads like this, and they are always shut down. I feel like this is gonna start a flame war, or hurt peoples feelings :/
I like the way you wrote that. Soon to get mod(My opinion): @SnakeVenomPvP @CountryGirl_ @ItsSniiper @Elliot @Jhow @paulainmo @RebornWolf @MaxNinja10 @Coastic @OfficiallyUnknown There's others but that's what I got off the top of my head, good luck you guys <3
<3 Ok, the mods I believe should be promoted- @Recyclinq, @Discdog1000, @DeltaMC, @MaxNinja10, @CountryGirl_, @canucksfan44, @elephznt (As long as her attitude changes), @Ninja, @Coastic, @ItsSniiper, @Jhow Head Mods- @Janice999, @TADS4 :>