So Mineverse has a new swear system.. and on skywars I can't even use /kit skyknight because it has "nig" in it as in ni*ga in it. (Sorry mods about swearing. Trying to get my pint across.. xD) So when I voted I couldn't do /kit skyknight then it said "That kit does not exist" and below it, it said "Please watch your language" and im like "??" so if someone can do something about it.. it would be very much appricated xDD
dear god. support. this used to happen to me when "ari" was a bad word, except it would happen when I was trying to message someone.
If its op and they didn't want it to be "allowed" then why would they allow the kit if you voted? My friend agreed with you and told her this. She agreed with me.
atleast you can say hilarious now, but suck turns into slurp (@tin15cro :>) and night turns into ;}'ht Just fix the word "N**" and I don't even know why suck is censored...
Support. On Creative, apparently "knight" is a swear word. There are many other words I won't name but that's just can example.
This is what i don't understand. You can say "puzzy" but not "suck". Like, i don't understand that. You can say "azzhole" but not "sh!t" or "suck". I love the new chat filter, but the words you can't say, are just really stupid.
They made 'ari' a bad word due to a popular server called McAri. And what is going on with kit skyks;}'ht? SUPPORT!!