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  • SA Darkorso's Moderator Application (Global)

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Darkorso, Feb 18, 2016.

    1. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Hello, I am Darkorso, I have been playing on Mineverse for over two years now and and been on the forums for around a year and a half. It has had its ups and downs but the way I look at Mineverse is a network which has a fantastic community and plenty of players and friends to have fun with, I try my best to contribute to Mineverse as much as I can. I spent most of my time in-game on Mineverse on the following servers so you may not recognise me if you do not play these game-modes, OP Factions, Kit PvP, GTA, Sky Wars. I am enthusiastic about the way that computers work so I would be happy to have a nice conversation with any of you out there who get the same enjoyment from computers that I do.

      Past names:

      What do I think about the Mineverse Game-modes?
      All the game-modes have their pros and cons and of course certain pieces and elements of Mineverse need improving, some fresh ideas and a good work ethic, Mineverse can really bring great joy and fun to its players.

      My Minecraft History

      I started Minecraft many years ago, back in 2010 if I remember, In that time I fell like I have accomplished many things, from destroying the ender dragon to coding plugins for my previous servers. Its safe to say I know how that game works, I also know many basic and advanced commands which I can use to my advantage if I were to be a Moderator in Mineverse.

      How old are you?

      I am currently 14 years old.

      Your in-game name:


      What timezone are you in?

      Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UTC+00:00)

      What country do you live in?

      England (London)

      What languages do you speak?
      English, a little French, Spanish and a little Japanese.

      Why do I think I should become a moderator?

      I feel like I can really contribute to Mineverse in many ways, quick responses to people who need my help, not only with hackers but with communicating with players and making new and old players feel at home here at Mineverse. I try to treat people with great importance and equality, as a moderator everyone will have equal values and opinions to me, no individual, hacker or not will be treated with less importance. A promise I can make indefinitely is to go completely by the rules. The owners in Mineverse need trust from me if I am to be promoted, they need to know I am reliable and that I will go by their rules no matter what. As a moderator I will give everyone a fair chance to appeal if they have broken any of the Mineverse rules, and I recognise that their suspension length will vary depending on their history.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Monday 5-7 Hours

      Tuesday 5-7 Hours

      Wednesday 5-7 Hours

      Thursday 5-7 Hours

      Friday 5-7 Hours

      Saturday 5-7 Hours

      Sunday 5-7 Hours

      How long have you been playing on Mineverse?
      I have been playing on Mineverse for over two years now. I began in September 2013 on kitpvp, I spent most of my time there at first, it was great fun and I enjoyed that part of my time in Mineverse immensely.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      I have been banned quite a few times in the past actually. Reasons: Hacking and Scamming. I have greatly matured since those times and this is why I feel like it would be a good time to re-apply for moderator. Actually more recently I was banned for supposed hacking and DDoS threataning. Although thanks to the empathy and support of the Mineverse moderators I was able to get unbanned extremely quickly. The whole thing really was a misunderstanding.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Moderator on Odurocraft: A Faction server which once held about 60 players at a time it was a great learning experience and it definitely gave me some lessons in the department of managing people. I do not know what has become of it today.

      Chatmod on DestoCraft: A Server mostly built for mini-games which held about 100 players at a time, games included one in the chamber, spleef, the original quake craft, cops and robbers, and many more.

      Helper on CycloneNetwork for a little while, a two hundred player network with many fun activates and a great community, however I still believe that Mineverse sets their community apart from every other.

      If you could only moderate two, which two servers would you like to moderate?

      OP Factions and Kit PvP, I would like to moderate these two servers, not only because I play them a lot but because I feel like they specifically need a lot of improving, and that is a process I can help with.

      KitPvP: Kitpvp was my first server I ever played on Mineverse, I continued playing it because it never gets old, the players there were always kind to me, this inspired me to also explore the rest of Mineverse.

      OP Factions: OP Factions is the seconds server I have played on and is definitely my favourite, there are so many different achievements and that Is what I love the most about it. I also love the idea of allies and rivals, that has a strong sense of community to me.


      Loyalty is an important trait which forms a good friendship, without loyalty there is no trust and a friendship or any other strong relationship can not be formed. My definition of Loyalty is to always value your friend and stick with them, if they do something wrong without intention of harming you, then you must let it roll of your back and just remember that they are your friend. A Friendship which can be split up easily is not a loyal friendship.


      Empathy is being able to understand someone's point of view, especially if they have been in a rough situation. This is one the most important traits of my personality, I feel that I am very well educated about feeling and emotions, I have been made aware by other people that I am very good at understanding people and where they are coming from, some even say that I could make a living out of becoming a therapist perhaps. People have different perspectives on how important a situation is, to one person, a make-up mistake for example could be nothing, but to another it could be seriously important, peoples emotions spread to a vast range of lengths and I will try my best to understand and reach these lengths.


      Honesty and secrecy can not be associated together, while someone should be honest concerning their mistakes, people should be allowed to have personal feelings, in other words, secrets. Usually, honesty is opening up to something a mistake or not, usually concerning something which you should not be allowed to keep a secret. Everyone tells lies and keeps ‘dirty secrets’, that is just part of human nature, I will try my best to be honest about things concerning the well being of Mineverse and its players.


      Showing respect is very important part of being a moderator, I know to expect disrespect from players, but the worst thing I can do is go down to their level, show them there is a level beyond their immaturity and make sure that no matter how disrespectful they are, you will do your job. Respectfulness is a part of maturity, in my opinion, if you are disrespectful to another person in any sort of matter, you are being immature, there is no reason to hurt someone's feelings or anything else for self-satisfaction.

      Rules, firmness and fairness.

      I am in favour of rules, while there are rules concerning big amounts of people, rules which everyone has to stick to, you also have to look at things from a human perspective, you must listen to people and what they have to say about rules and penalties, fairness must be applied when involving rules. Rules can inflict chaos depending on how they are used, you must be firm when applying rules, if not, people will ignore them and think It is fine to go against them and ruin this fantastic community.


      Maturity is a life skill made for communicating with people, maturity is a subcategory of respect, people can call someone immature, I believe you can only be temporarily immature. I look back at some of the posts I have made on the forums and I feel both ashamed and proud, I feel ashamed that I though I was in the right and how disrespectful I was, I am proud about how much I have changed and grown, I owe a lot of it to Mineverse and its fantastic team of staff. I feel that I am now very mature and that I have the ability to tell the difference from immaturity and just plain rudeness.

      Work Ethic

      I believe that hard work will always pay off, if you are not willing to work hard for your achievements than you will have to be very lucky to claim them, there are classic examples of the most successful people in history, it may seem easy when you hear their stories, but what is left out from their stories is the amount of work they would have put in to get a result, I will do the same with this application, I will work hard and hope for a result, and I will to the same if I am a moderator, I will continue working to be the best I can be.

      My Ability to catch hackers

      As I said before in my application, I have previously been a Hacker on Mineverse, with this experience I am familiar with many of the different types of hacks that can be used in-game. Aimbot, speed, reach, fly, all of these and more and familiar to me and I promise I will be able to recognise them. Not only will I have swift responses to reports, I hope that in my spare time I will be able to go and catch some hackers myself, and by the end if they appeal, I hope they will have learned just as I did that you should go by the rules, respect them and try your hardest.


      I will mostly be available on the forums to chat about anything, including Mineverse issues, bans, reports and more, I hope to be very active in-game and on the forums as I believe communication is key.

      I do have Skype. If you need to contact me just ask and I will tell you my Skype if you need to contact me through it.

      Message to Cypriot and the rest of the team

      If I do become moderator I will be joining the rest of you in your fantastic effort to improve Mineverse and bring it to perfection, I hope we will have many things in common. Cypriot, I promise not to hound you with all of my problems :). I will try and work them out myself and with the suggestions of other members of staff. Thank you for Mineverse ;)

      Thank you so much for reading, I am gratetful for all of the feedback I get.

      Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    2. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      No Support.
      This is a nice application, I just feel you're not active enough on the forums. Maybe improve your activity, then I will be back to support ;)
      Good luck!
    3. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
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    4. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Full support!
      They need Uk mods too ;)
    5. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Sure thing, thanks! :)
    6. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Thanks bro :)!
    7. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Thanks so much! :)
    8. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      Just became active not that long ago on forums
    9. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      First Bump. :)
    10. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Even after last night,the mod app is well written,you're mature,you can DEFINITELY handle things,and you're active.
      Ironic support.
    11. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Thanks, means a lot especially after last night. xD
    12. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      Support, although you have two mod apps open?
    13. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Thanks for the support, I just closed the other btw :)
    14. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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    15. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      I'll say neutral.
      I have never seen you in-game or on the forums, but this Application is very nice written and I think you'll make a good job as Moderator, just be a bit more active.
    16. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Thanks for your support :).
    17. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Sure, thanks :)
    18. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      Hmm neutral I love your mod app it's very good however it's your activity that is the issue just work on that :D
    19. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Will do :D
    20. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      No support. I personally don't believe you're mature enough for the position, yet. If you can show me change, then maybe I will change my mind. We'll wait and see. I hope you take this on board, as this server is in clear need of UK mods.

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