No Support. I had this on my website, and it's hard to control advertisement, spam and such. Not only that, but most shoutboxes and live chat integrations are expensive, and cause lag or slowness of the website. Also, I don't really see why we need a shoutbox, if players wish to talk, then start a thread - or a conversation. That way, we are saving money, and less lag.
Neutral. I think it'd be cool, but also could easily be prone to advertisers/spammers, things like that.
well just make it so you couldnt use periods like join!! like that would automatically mute you
Im guessing the reason why a lot of people are saying and is because of advertisers and spam right??? well the plugin comes with an anti spam feature i believe so you can only chat in it like once every 15 seconds or something like that and there is almost always staff on forums and they can go bye bye