Hello Mineverse Community, Introduction I have wanted to start up a Team Group on Survival but I never got round to really think much about it and how to approach you all in a manor about this. But I would like to share this idea now and well the factors are anyone can join this Team Group no requirements for a certain rank or money just anyone can join it if you like to join it. |----------------------| Ways we will all stay in touch? Besides talking on the server and on the forums I will setup a social media page to were only Team Members can join it can come up with strategies and new ideas for the Team Group. |----------------------| Reason for this idea and why it is good idea? Basically it can start other people in the way of making Team Groups for starters which can be good for PVP and well I see this idea being good because it does bring people together more than just being standalone in Survival. |----------------------| How do I sign up for Destine Fury? Well to sign up for Destine Fury all you have to do is send me message on the forums and leave you Minecraft IGN and why you want to join. Ranks within the Destine Fury Team Group - New Order [1] - Star Order [2] - Order Captain [3] ---- - Ministry Outlaw [4] - Hunter Outlaw [5] - Outlaw Captain [6] ---- - General Leader [7] - Extremist Leader [8] All of these ranks will be obtained by skill and methods on how you kill.
I don't really play survival, but I might start to get into it. So here's my app: Ign: ItsSniiper why I want to join: Well I'm god and have some money from voting so I could help out here and there and just have fun!