Hello MiNeVeRSe i just lost all my DONOR WEAPONS. I had one TORCH one ARROW one gunpowder and one chain, i got a screenshot of me and the WEAPONS I lost them cuz i was killing a group of people my Minecraft crashed by the knockback of a TORCH (autosniper). I dont know if some1 got the DONOR WEAPONS cuz there was a clear lag short after it here im still searching where i can find the screenshot(does eny1 of you know where to find a file on Windows 10) A screenshot comes later
You have to get new ones. They don't refund you things from every fight you lose. To get a screenshot, press windows key and r at the same time, and in the box type: %appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots
Or just go to tinypic.com and hit 'upload a file' or whatever then all your MC screenshots will show up find the one with the donor weapons, post it, then show us the link.
They were originally removed from the early gta due to being extremely overpowered. Few donor weapons remain today.
We don't just give you rare items every time you die, that's how it works. You die, you lose stuff. If it was a scam then we could help
You do realize that you can't get new one's because it's not like you paid for them, if you lose it you will just have to get new ones.
The latest few messages contain grammatical & / or spelling mistakes. Anyways, you just need to get more, nothing we can really do for you.