Pride, prejudice and zombies :D haven't seen it yet but lets be honest it's going to be a good one hehe
Hunger games isn't that great now :/ Ip man, ip man two, Yes man, liar liar, interstellar, the batman trilogy.
Seen all the Hunger Games. Ew Start Wars. Don't like Avengers I may watch Mission impossible... ty People want me to watch that, I'll find the time too Seen red, loved it Already told you I'd watch dead pool :P hate the Hobbit. hate Lord Of the Rings. Love all Harry potter movies Ew Start Wars LOVE HUNGER GAMES Spectre was alright, not my thing. Never seen The Notebook or Breakfast club, I might watch one of those thanks :D Love Titanic, Jack is hot. Pitch perfect 1&2 are pretty good Great movie. Made me sad :( Seen it, love it