Hello, today i have some suggestions for skyblock that i saw on other servers that i think would be a great addition. The pictures go in order with the suggestions. First: Left click vote chest to see possible winnings: I also suggest we add way more items to win in the vote chests and possible different tiers of vote chests. Secondly: an auction center. This would be very helpful instead of having to wait for an auction, you can simply do /ah and see everything in auction. Third: An /is GUI. This gives options to teleport to your island, view challenges for your island, island settings and more! Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
Support. The auction center would go well with all the game modes (that have the auction plugin). I'd love to be able to auction a set of armor on the pvp servers. Same for the ability to see possible vote chest winnings. I'd love to have that on all game modes with crates.
Support! But this need also to be fixed: - Using leash on other people their island - Throwing Eggs on other people their island - Fix the warp plugin so people cant set to many warps - Fix people can't set home on an island who they don't own - Fix the /island party (sometimes its broken) - Fix the wither skull glitch (idk if its fixed) And now iam almost done xD