Interesting, what game modes do you play? I'll find you. It might also be a matter of time difference. Thanks.
TIP: Put your in-game username towards the top of the application, would help. Honestly, since talking to you more in-game and seeing how you actually are. I've noticed a change. A good change, this time :P I honestly believe you want good for this server and if given the chance, would earn a much needed respect. People need to realise that you actually have so much potential to do good here. So, I wish you the best of luck with this and full support from me, until further notice
Kit pvp, op pvp and infection. I just got off of minecraft so I could upload videos for reports faster but I will be back on in 10 minutesish
See, if you want to be considered for a promotion, you need to know how to handle yourself in certain situations. If a player is rude to you, and you are rude back, it doesn't look very good. Would you behave like this if you were to be promoted and a player disrespects you? If a player treats you badly, there are alternative options, such as ignoring them, reporting them or responding in a calm, respectful manner. Your response to getting hate really reflects on what you will look like as a Moderator. I'm not going to state whether I do or do not support for now. I want to see more of you and hopefully you will take my advice into consideration. Good luck!!
By rude, I do not mean cursing at them or calling them names, I just act "stale", I'm always pretty relaxed.