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  • XVIEDOS Moderator Application Don't Judge By the Books Cover :)

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Gabe, Feb 10, 2016.


    Should I Become Moderator

    1. Yes

      3 vote(s)
    2. Neutral

      1 vote(s)
    3. No

      15 vote(s)
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    1. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Hello My fellow MV Players and Staff Team, How was your day? I would like to start and say I have been playing Mineverse for about 2 years now and am Super glad I am part of this community, I Joined the MV Forums In mid January of 2014. I have made so many memories and met new people, Some have became my Best Friends. My In-Real Life name is Gabe you can call me that and yea I finally made the Decision to apply for Moderator on Mineverse and am Super Glad to hear the feedback so I can improve.

      Hope you Enjoy :D

      ---{How Old Am I?}---
      I am the age of 16

      ---{What is my In-Game Name?}---
      My In-Game Name is XVIEDOS

      ---{What TimeZone am I in?}---
      I am in EST (Eastern Standard Time)

      ---{What country do you live in?}---
      I live in the United States of America and Live near the East Coast, If you need to know the state I live in please PM me. Due to Security Reason's.

      ---{What languages do you speak?}---
      I speak English and am Fluent in Spanish and have means in Learning French, Any Good Teachers out there? ;)

      ---{Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?}---
      I do have means of capturing evidence, I use the SoftWare called "BandiCam" and will record/capture the evidence due to the Situation that I am in

      ---{Why do you think you should become a mod?}---
      I think I should become Moderator because I am...
      I am responsible because i have experience with Servers and just Life things in General. I feel Like i fit this quality because I do know the responsibilities needed for Moderating a Big Server (As Stated Below) and I feel like in my Opinion you need to know this trait In-Game and in general life, As I said Above I do work and have to stick to my dedicated hours and do have thing's to do when someone tell's me to do something I do it in the Best Way I can but also try to do it As fast As I can but good. In my opinion "Its better to take 1 hour than 30 minutes and just rushing it" What one of my teachers Quoted. I do take pride in this trait

      I do resemble this trait a lot in my opinion because I do need to earn and use Trust, what I mean by this is You gain trust by showing people what you can do and doing it in the best way and just overall being yourself and by using the Trust is that Don't backstab them when a person Trust's you Its a sign of Friendship/Love because they are putting something or responsibility in your hands and they know you will not do any harm to it. My experience with this is I am 16 and I am young for the Place I work. When I first joined of coarse there not gonna give me 100% trust thats why you have to earn it and when you do take pride in it and I have to go above and beyond what they believe I am. It will gain the person trust just in my Opinion.

      I do have Patience in everyday thing's. Heres an example that a lot of people resemble, I am the Oldest Brother of 3 and I need to have Patience when one of them is screaming and the other one is trying to ask a question :bitenails: but the Key is not to get frustrated easily because at the end its gonna get better and calm from what I have experienced or Heres something I know everyone needs Patience in. When you are at school and you can't wait to get out of school and go home SLEEP and play some Mineverse ;) but what I do is make the best out of it or where I am at and I know the day will end Sooner or later and just make the best out of what I have right now.

      So many people have there own way of seeing this trait, My point of view of this trait is Just Helping everyone that Need's help. A good example is My Brother's,Job, and just everything in general. Many people experience this trait in everyday life. Some people may view it as a different word Such as Helpful,Boss just some words that come into my mind, The reason I said these words is Helpfulness and Leadership have a lot in common because when you help someone Such as Siblings maybe, you have to Lead them into something new or remind them and that could sometimes go to saying "Oh tie your shoe" to "Do you know how to get to this Location walking?" Sometimes it doesn't come to mind in a instance and that's okay. The reason I said Boss is because people see Bosses/Managers to be the Leader of a group, there "Job" is to keep everything in order and make sure everyone is in check and I feel like I resemble this trait a lot, after all I have to lead My brothers into becoming something Amazing and unleashing there full potential.

      I can go on and on about this Trait but let's keep it simple. This trait is in everyone at some point of there life's and it is a key Trait in life because you need to know How to Manage your time wisely and never waste time because you'll never get that one second back because it already passed. There are a lot of examples of this trait but some major ones Are School, Work, and Life. A lot of people know the struggle in school :ah but this is why when your growing up you learn more how to manage time more, I know when i was about 13 I would always misuse my time and never get stuff done on its deadline but now since I am in high school it Teaches you a lot, you can't be late and have to always stick to the deadline and give it your all. The most important thing about this trait is Never ever forget time catches up to you but you have to be prepared for it ;) .

      This one is a tuff one, A worker in my eyes means that you are down to step up to any challenge and not afraid of defeat because you know you will be greater and learn from your mistakes. This means you will always and never give up. If someone or something brings you down you have to know you are great and will never be bad. Some major examples of being a hard worker is Life. What I mean by this is Life is a challenge and you always have to work on it. It throws challenges at you but you have to be stronger. In my experience I believe about 2 Months ago My Uncle passed away and it really hurt but i was strong and got through it and If people are looking for a Physical type of work, I can assure you that I put 110% effort in everything I do and will do it will all my might.

      I am honest everyday, I can't say I am never in my life lied because that would be a lie but I know I am mostly Honest. Im not gonna just be here Sugar-Coating how honest I am. I'm Just gonna get right to the point that this position requires a lot of Honesty because if you lie if could cause major effect and it could end out bad not only for you but maybe someone else and I hate when I cause harm to someone. I have to be honest everyday because I dont want to cause anything harmful and always would like to see everyone happy

      ---{How long can you be active on the server everyday?}---
      I am on mostly everyday here is my schedule if needed
      Monday-Friday: I am on through 5-9 PM EST Time
      Saturdays-Sundays: I am on through 11am-6pm
      Maybe longer if I can and if I am not on on those times it is due to My Job or School/Family

      ---{How long have you been playing Mineverse?}---
      I have been playing Mineverse for about 2 years and I joined the Server in about later October of 2013 and Joined the Forums in Mid January of 2014 and plan on to keep playing.

      ---{Have you ever been banned in the past?}---
      I have not been banned on the Forums but In-Game I have been Banned from KitPvP I believe thats the Only GameMode I have been banned from and this is due to my past self hacking. I know this will influence the amount of people supporting but I can not lie, I used to hack. I have changed that because it is a unfair advantage against the Community and just the Server it self its no fun when you hack and I have shown proof I dont hack to @Nightfire. Here is evidence if need https://gyazo.com/4e27ab5273844010ad677354fbd51165 and I plan not to get banned ever again ;)

      ---{Do you have any past experience as a moderator?}---
      I do have experience as a Moderator/Staff in general. I have been a Admin for a lot of servers they Player Peak was about 120 on a good day and I have owned my own server and It was a decent server I cant say it was popular but sadly is went down due to money and I have been through a lot in Staff. I know the responsibility you need and respect you need for Players and You yourself. I also Develop a little here and there I mainly work with Java but am learning C++, I am Super excited :D

      I Hope you enjoyed and thanks for your time, Please leave some feedback so I can improve. Hope you had a amazing day;)
      If you would like to contact me PM me for my Skype or we can use TS :D
      Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    2. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      So uneven :O
    3. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      That is no proof ._. Anyways, Neutral. I have never seen you in-game, but i think you put a lot of information on this application. Good luck :)
    4. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      May I ask how can i prove it..? I know I don't hack and thank you. Could it be we are different TimeZones I mainly play KitPvP and OPPvP, How about you?
    5. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      Your name makes me no support... Having the name of a **** Site and expecting to get mod on a children's game?
    6. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      No support, in the call you were very rude and just not mod material, I have seen you ingame once in a while and you don't seem fit.
      I change my mind ezpz so expect a neutral like in a couple of days. (Once I see a change)
    7. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      I do have to agree and was not my full intention to do such a thing, and can I ask you something? Does someones In-Game Name prove everything or someones full potential? I know that this name is very rude and disgesting and If i could change it I would but just because of my In-Game Name I am foolish/childish? Maybe in your eyes but in mine I beg to differ
      I know in that moment I was being rude and Hope i did not hurt your feelings in any way and never had any intention to and hope we can move on from this if not I still hope you are leaving honest feedback not just to what happened in the past Thanks
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2016
    8. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    9. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      May I ask why?
    10. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      It really does say alot about a person, lets say my name was xX_PvP69God420_Xx Or something, that would show immaturity due to the 69 and 420. I know the name doesnt fully define a person but it surely does have a big impact.
    11. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Wait have the Number 69 like you said correct me if I am wrong defines a huge part of a person? Maybe there intention wasn't to be funny or Nasty. I know a lot of people put it or think of that number is a Nasty way but believe me when I say this my name does not show my full personality
    12. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Your name.
    13. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Like I said to @Herf
      Why do people base things of the Name thats like basing something off A book's cover and i'm not trying to defend myself but its true. I get that you have your own opinion and Hope you can look past the Cover thanks for your time @Flazer
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2016
    14. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      What so ever.
    15. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      May I ask why again? Is it because of my In-Game name?
    16. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
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      Yes, just shows how immature you are.
    17. Coastic

      Coastic Boss Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      Don't really want a mod with a porn site as their IGN.. nice application though.
    18. Silence

      Silence Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I agree no one says Pile_Of_Butts or ElliotPoops is immature. why should they do it to you?
    19. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Like I said many times I had no intention at the end to be immature like many people have said due to my IGN but let me ask you something what if my ign was "SprinkleUnicorn1" would you say that would be childish bc of its IGN?

      Thank you and thanks for reading it

      Like I said before do you judge a book by its cover?
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2016
    20. Coastic

      Coastic Boss Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      No. However, do you think that it's acceptable to be promoting sites like this in a child-friendly environment? We have rules against many things, for the sake of younger people, so I feel like this should be taken into consideration when choosing staff that will be seen as an example to other players.
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