Hey everyone, I was temp banned yesterday (2/8) for 24 hours (I didn't mind and I apologized) but I didn't specifically know what rule i broke? So I had a suggestion, rather than just being temporarily banned without knowing what u did, maybe the staff could address what u did exactly. This isn't a complaint! For Forums <---
if you make a ban appeal, they will show you the evidence which needs to be provided. Did it say why you were banned in the message?
No, it just stated where the rule I broke was located at. it wasn't an IGN ban it was a forum ban btw (sry lack of information)
Ia this a suggestion or a problem? Because you do get a reason why you get banned, maybe something just happend to you diffrent?
It's impossible to include in the auto message. They would need to write it out. I do that most of the time anyway.
Yeah, it just says they broke a rule and blah blah. I think he means it doesn't specify the reason. However, most people know when they messed up.
Neutral, when you get back online you could simply ask the mod that banned you what you did wrong, it was probably rate abuse
Since you are on the forums, before you post anything, the first thing you should do is read the rules. Most mods include a message on what the person did wrong but some don't. It is not the mods responsibility for everyone to know the rules, that is the player/users responsibility. Our responsibility is to enforce the rules.
Yea (also im not being sarcastic) I did read the rules, always do once in a while, or when I here a rumor about them and/or complaint