I know.. Uhm.. You're the nub. :> You're a very nice person, one of the best friends someone could have. Idek too, but you look very friendly and we should chill out somehow. You're the most cutiest sloth there is, you're a very friendly skiddo too, we need to talk more! You look like a very friendly Wolf, and we should meet eachother on the server and hang out. :D I must put an emoji too -> :t::pomp:
Hello Leopard, i've met you sometimes in-game, and you seem VERYY friendly, I hope we could talk sometimes. :3 Hi, I don't really know you, I see you on the forums sometimes, and you look very friendly/helpful, I like that. ;) Hullo cute ducky, you look like a chillin' duck, the cutier version of @Herf . :> Anyways, you're a very very very VERY friendly person, and before you were Mod, we played alot on Infection together, I hope we could do that again. :D Hay Rodeeny, you're one of the best friends someone could wish (My opinion), and I hope we could be friends for our whole lifetime, baibai. :>
Hey Statikk, I never actually met you in-game, but I've been talking with you on the forums sometimes and that was AMAZING, I hope we could do that morely and morely. :D