Intro Hello, my name is _Thunder_PVP_ (In-game and on the Forums) and this is my moderator application form, a piece of work which took me an hour to write. I'm a Titan in-game, probably makes no difference, but that is the rank I am right now. How old are you? I am 25 and I am turning 26 on 28 November 2016 Your in-game name? My In-game name is TheIcyLightning. What timezone are you in GMT timezone What country do you live in? I live in the UK in London. What languages do you speak? I only speak English. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? I do have the necessary means of capturing evidence on my Macbook Pro, The F2 Button is screenshotting and F6 is Video taking. Why do you think you should become a mod?Helpful: IRL, I am known in my house for my helpfulness (Helping my parents find their lost phone; Doing the dishes etc.), I love to be helpful and I never plan to stop. Experienced: I'm really experienced on Mineverse and I know practically all the common questions a new player would ask me. e.g. How do I switch between servers?, How do I rank up? etc. Honesty: I am really honest, I never lie in-game a it might cause something bad to happen. Plus, I hate people who lie, They're dishonest and can never be trusted. I absolutely despise them, because I'm the exact opposite of them. The only reason I don't lie is because of a past experience which I can only vaguely remember it. Trustful: In-game, I CAN be trusted. Around 50 people since I became a titan has asked for their armour/weapons fixed and they have grown to trust me (50 may be an exaggeration, I think around 35 people). How long can you be active on the server every day? At max, I can be active on the server for 6 hours and the minimum amount of time a day is 4 hours. However I have lots planned for weekends and I can only play for about 1 hour a day on weekends. How long have you been playing Mineverse? If I took a wild guess, I would say that I have been playing Mineverse for just over a year now. Have you ever been banned before (Forums & In-game)? I have never been banned on Forums and Mineverse, I honestly don't know how to hack and I took a vow never to swear since High School. Do you have any past experiences as a moderator No, this is the first time I have ever asked to be a mod. To conclude, I believe I should be a mod because I want to watch over Mineverse as one of the many staff and I have quite a clean profile. Also,I am experienced in-game so I know the answers to many of the questions most new players would ask me. e.g: How do I rank up?, How do I get money on the PVP servers? etc.
Sorry, Neutral. -Be WAY more active on the forums, -Add A LOT more info -Add more detail, -Be more active in game I hope that you can fix this and become a mod!
Firstly, I am really active in game. Secondly, I was already told to be more active and the forums. Finally, you're right about me needing to add a lot more detail Thanks for the comment.
I'm really sorry but no support. The reasons for this are as follows: -I have never seen you in game before. -You have not answered a question correctly (timezones one). You are the GMT timezone +00:00. -Become more active throughout all game modes and on the forums. -Add a lot more information particularly on the why you should become mod section. -You have asked to apply for mod on only two servers. You are no longer able to do this. You can only apply for global mod. -By saying that you don't care, not specifically as a mod but as your timetoze shows that you do not potentially have the correct attitude. You have potential to become a mod you just need to show it. Here are some things I suggest: -Read accepted mod apps. This will show what you need to write and how to structure it. -A timezone is important when it comes to MV. People need to know this because most players live in America or Australia, this is when the server is heavily moderated on. -Work on activity - this is essential for becoming a mod because you need to be moderating often and for ages. Thanks for reading
No support -work on being more active in game/on forums -work on grammatical errors -add more info/detail good luck
Sorry no support. - Be more active on the forums - Get to know the community - Haven't seen you in-game before Good luck.
Sorry, but No Support. Be more active on the forums Get to know the forums community more Add a lot more information in your application Fix some grammatical errors Expand on why you wish to become a moderator Good Luck!
No support But to improve ... -try becoming more active on the forums -I am yet to see you ingame so try and be more active -your application is a bit brief so try increasing it in the why should I become a moderator section -you're still pretty new to the forums so try to learn your way around it Good luck I have written a guide to help you in terms of your mod app.