Hey guys, i do not often make threads like this, but i am suggesting a global reset! I will put down all the downfalls of every game-mode. I know a lot of people suggest individual servers, but i have combined my thoughts and theirs into ONE thread. Factions~ 1. In spawn you can claim, which is really unfair, because you cannot access the anvils, enchantment tables, and echests. 2. You can set perms, so where you can NOT access chests in territory. This can make unraidable bases. 3. /kit titan comes with p4! That is totally OP. A set of p4 used to go for around 10k, now you can just have dubs on dubs of them. 4. Enderchests are unbreakable, meaning you can surrond your base with them, and really never get raided. 5. McMmo is just outragous, you can literally get 2shot, with full p4. 6. The shop is messed up. It does not sell wood, and some of the basic items you would need. 7. /wild does not work, meaning for new people, you can not get to the wild without being killed by someone OP in spawn. Skywars~ 1. You get 500 from /kit titan, which is VERY OP. 2. /shop is very OP, you can win a game in fairly 2 minutes. 3. There is nothing you get from winning a game, or killing a player. I find this very unfair to no rankers. They can't do anything besides get money from people with ranks. 4. /pay is glitched, you can only use it when you vote. OP PvP~ 1. Sharp 30's are OP. If there are sharp 30s i think there should be /kit titan, and /kit titansword with atleast a 45 minute cooldown. I have 2 /pv's filled with sharp 30's and can sell them for A LOT. (Just my opinion) 2. People still have rare stuff, such as speed 2 pots, thorns items, and fishing rods. You can also get more stuff from fishing rods. I do not know how you get fishing rods in the first place, tho. Kit PvP~ 1. I feel this is easier to money then OP PvP, because most people do not have p4, depth 3. You can really just spawn kill noobs, and get a quick easy 1$. Some people have up to 150k. 2. I think there should be a /kit once. So noobs have a chance. Although this could be easily abused, meaning you can get on alts and use it. /kit once could be iron protection 4 depth 3. So they have a chance, but it really can't be abused, because it is bad. 3. Levels: I think even if you are titan or god, you should loose XP when you die. You can vote and vote, and never loose XP when you die. That is pretty unfair. Although, because you spend up to 250$ on this rank, this could be easily debatable. 4. Player vaults: I honestly think this is a fantastic idea. 2 is perfect for the highest rank, no more is needed. GTA~ 1. Some people have so many donor items. Honestly, i never knew how to get these. 2. The crafting tables at spawn are glitched, meaning you can not craft gold/lapis blocks. Prison~ 1. The spawn is very, very laggy. 2. You can afk or a long time, and quickly and easily get some OP stuff from vote partys. Such as XP levels, and diamond swords, which you can not even use. 3. Balances: Most people are very rich. Again, just like Factions, you can get protection 4 in /kit titan. Also an insane amount of XP. 4. Bases here are unraidable. Creeper eggs don't work, and TnT does not work in claimed land. 5. Healing: You can spam /heal * every 3 minutes (I believe) Meaning it takes away potion effects and gapple effects. 6. /m ** is EXTREMELY annoying. 7. Mcmmo is very annoying. People can afk grind, because mods hardly check. And people can also have so much unarmed. That means they can unarm everyone, without being unarmed. I feel like McMmo should be reset, and there should be a cap. 8. When the server was upgraded, plots became glitched, meaning you don't pay for the plots, but you still can use it. 9. It had taken a long time to fix the duping problems, earlier when prison came out. Meaning, most people STILL have duped items. 10. Signs: This makes chests really unraidable. You can put a chest sign on it. If it is unclaimed, you can easily get @tin15cro to remove it, but if it is claimed, there is no point of even trying. 11. Spawners are broken. When, you auction a spawner, it turns into pig right away. Survival~ 1. You can create unlimited warps. All you have to do is log out, and log back in again. Meaning, you can set more then you are supposed to. 2. Spawners are glitched. If you auction a spawner, it turns into pig right away. 3. Duping problems: Most people have duped, or gotten items from dupers. This is extremley unfair. Like @elephznt said in her thread, someone auctioned a crap ton of dragon eggs. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/please-fix-survival.71466/#post-741904 OPFactions~ 1. Vote partys: Vote party's are very messed up. You can afk alts, and you and get vote keys, and up to 50 levels of XP. I know this is OP Factions, but this really needs to go down a little. 2. Shop: The shop has really nothing you would need, you can not sell the basic materials, or buy them. Beginners are not able to make cactus farms or sugar cane farms, because they are not sell able. 3. Spawners: The spawners at shop are glitched. Whenever you buy one, it automatically turns into a pig. This is the same if you auction a spawner. It automatically turns into a pig spawner. 4. Bulk Selling: There should be a /warp bulk. Because again, if there are beginners, that recently mined iron and diamonds, or got diamonds from a vote party, you would have to sit there hours selling materials. 5. Spawners2: I think there should be a high tier of spawners. Such as pigmen, iron golem, and others. 6. An updated mcmmo plugin. When you change your name, you should not loose the mcmmo you worked for. Also, i think there should be a cap for McMmo as well. 7. Kits: Kits are very plain, in /kit starter, you get a pickaxe, which has Eff4, Silk1, Unb3, Fortune3. You can not combine fortune and silk together. Meaning that pickaxe is useless for beginners wanting to fortune. They should add /kit raid, /kit potion, and just regular kits like /kit build. (For MVP and up) 8. Spawn: You can cobble monster into spawn, luckily nobody really has done it. 9. Crates: There is a glitch/bug with crates. You have to use the vote key on the rare crate, and the common on the vote. And so on. 10. Hoppers: I would love to add hoppers back into OPFactions. If Cyp and Crew would be able to fix hoppers, and make it so people could not dupe, this would be amazing. It also gives a chance that people could afk above spawners, and have them fall to their death. Parkour: 1. Anti-Cheat: I think there should be an anti-cheat plugin, so you can not fly for new levels. This is the really only thing for Parkour. Fix the completed perms. Fix some level bugs. Fix the lag ( Same thing with other gamemodes such as Prison etc. ) Put in a plugin that teleports you back to the start of your level right as you fall. Added by @Deivid0ze Infection: 1. Maps: I think new maps should be added. Although maps have been being added, i think it would be nice for a few more. A variety of maps. 2. Anti-Cheat: In hacked clients, you can fly to get to impossible spots that normal people can not achieve. 3. I do not play this a lot, but i know there are a lot more downfalls to Infection. Bedwars: 1. The "CubeCraft" type of bedwars. I love this server, named CubeCraft, it has Eggwars, but it is updated. You can get Iron, (As bricks in bedwars) Gold, (As Iron) And Diamonds. (As Gold) I think they should add this. I personally think it will bring in a LOT more people, because who doesn't love this classic game? They should add chain, iron, and diamond stuff, such as Armour and Weapons. And just overall upgrade bedwars. Skyblock: 1. Hoppers: Hoppers are a big problem in skyblock. It would be awesome to use them for potion brewing, redstone projects, and mob grinders. Although, Tanner would have to fix the duping problem before this is put back. 2. Challenges: I honestly think they should bring challenges in. I would honestly start playing, because it gives me an objective to play. 3. The nether is completely griefed. I am not a huge Skyblock player, so i am gonna tag this post by @Emily_x. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/♔-skyblock-problems-that-need-to-be-fixed-♔.56009/ ArcherPvP: 1. Spawn: A new spawn would be nice, so it has more features and more stuff to buy. Archer PvP spawn right now, is just plain and simple. Lets spice it up! 2. Arrows with /arrow. Freezer arrows are very annoying, and a game changer to players. To remove these, and confusion arrows would be a great idea. 3. Remove pickaxes and swords: Some people still have these, from a long time back. Although i do not know how they got them, i think they should be removed. OP Prison: Again, i do not play OPPrison that much, but i am gonna put @Flazer 's thread on here. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opprison-reset.58798/ Hellblock: 1. I am not leaving this server behind, like most people do. I feel like Tanner and Cyp should revamp this server. I feel like it would bring in a lot more people, including most Skyblock players. This is it. Thank you guys/girls for reading, and i hope you have a fantastic day!
No Support. Unless this excludes Infection I never will. I just recent hit max rank and the last thing I want is getting it all over again
You are kinda right, although, i would like to see a lot of a variety of maps added. That would be great.
Yea, its a hard one. But if the excuse is always, "Im OP" Mineverse will never get a reset. :/ I see where you are going tho, its tough.
This doesn't seem like a reset :D A lot of your points are agreeable however. I am undecided on my opinion right now though
Yea, unfortunately Cyp and Crew are like this. They really won't patch bugs or glitches in all honestly. They couldn't really care less.