Greetings Hello all hackers and none-hackers. So this Off-Topic thread is about hopefully leading all the hackers into right direction. As you guys might, and might now know. I used to be a big-time hacker. I hacked for fun, I hacked to get OP on a server. Well, it just made me a bad player. How to get OP is to be a fair-player trying to get friends. Now usually the hackers only makes team with people that doesn't want to die, wants stuff, or hacks himself. Now as I said I used to be a big-time hacker. I got banned from servers I've donated A LOT of money on. Wich in my opinion, is a waste of money. Now. I've been thinking of applying when I know I've started to behave. I am working on it. It's nothing that just comes right away. I am truly trying to change my behaviour, the hacking part is gone. It's the swearing that's bothering me. And hackers, trust me, It'll be way funnier for you, and all for everyone in this lovely Community. My point is, If you keep hacking, all your chances of getting anything on this server is getting lower, and lower. I'm trying to be nice and warn you now. I do hope it's not too late. Thanks for reading, now I want to be 100% honest with everyone, so here's a link on me ( Old times) = Umm yea, just keep scrolling down.. :/ Keep it Swaggerino.
I guess this is useful. However its not really necessary because they hack for a reason. It's called hacking because you're cheating. They should already understand the consequences, as the rules are provided for anyone and Moderators provide the rules as well if they're asked.
I know, and I do hope they get punished. But if you haven't, it isn't too late to stop. You can always get a new reason.
I read this thread, and I admit that I cheat. (Not on this server, and to be honest, I don't even have Mineverse on my server list.) You don't understand, lol, people who use clients don't care if they lose what they won't get. This is why they do it. Hackers know what they will get in return for using clients, but that's the point. Karma is a.....
Lets say they bought god, on here. Mineverse. And they eventually start hacking, now they really start to like the server, and then they get banned. $100, blown away by the wind. I used to hack alot. I got banned from mineverse, and that's what made me quit hacking. I got banned from the server I enjoy playing, a server I belive is a friendly community. This isn't about why they do it, some people do it because its fun and they dont care, as you said. It might be fun for the one hacking, but not for the one playing legit.
I can see your point, but that's what the person wanting to use hacks is asking for, is basically what I am saying.
I think it was brave of you to make this amnesty, and for me, I will forgive you for hacking and I hope other will too. Just make sure you don't hack, and stay far away from those devilish clients. Apply when you think you're ready, however I would recommend you improve activity first ;) Have a nice day :D
It's not upto you to decide whether they hack or not if they have a donor rank. It doesn't affect you in any way if they get banned with a donor rank so what is your point? People have clients, big whoop
Thanks alot, It means so much. And yes, I've been going on to different gamemodes I barely even played before. I am doing my best to improve.
To be honest, Agreed. It is fun messing around on unknown servers. It's fun for you, but not for the ones playing legit. It's selfish to just say , I hack on servers because it's fun. It's not always fun you know, the legit way is way more fun. Trust me.
They might aswell Donate $100 to my Paypal, then I'll delete them on skype, we'll never meet again. :O Edit: And no, it's not up to me. But atleast I can try to make them stop. Some probably wont, and some will consider it.
No, I play legit on mineverse and I get that fun. Then I go to other servers and hack, and I have that fun. Im not limiting myself to either or. I am legit on MV but I hack other servers.
Now tell me, do you enjoy fighting hackers on Mineverse? I'll answer for you, no, It's not the best experience you'll have on here. So why would you go hack on other server? It's the same thing, only you're the hacker doing it to another player