Support, if you need help, just pm me, I'm a redstoner (and regarding lag, a hopper clock creates less)
Can you please state your reasons why. I have already stated that the server is already quite laggy and that small traps such as a clock circuit will make little/no difference to the lag. I probably won't use lava traps now, it was just an example that appealed to me at first not anymore. Why? I can improve on your points. I said about having a new range of maps. Leave the red stone off the old ones since they have already been made and people know them too well. This could be implemented on new maps though that come out in the future
Neutral, it would be really cool to add in some maps and it can be helpful for other things but a lot of people (I'm talking about Gods and Titans especially) will rage because they died in some trap, and it might be abused by humans and make some maps human biased.
Titanicguy stated the first reason, the second is that if you have ongoing circuits it could cause certain people lag.