Statikk, your pretty cool, I find you very "joyful". I love your actions in-game, and forums. Your also pretty funny. Andrew, I like you. Your pretty funny, nice, and helpful. You joined the forums, and the only thing you've been is just helping out the community which is terrific. Torch, Congrats first of all. Second, you've been a huge impact on Mineverse which everyone should be thankful for that. Your such a hard worker, your patience from what I could tell, and most of all caring for everyone. Thank you. Vintage, I like you not because your nice to me, your also nice to everyone, and pretty funny. I was sad when you said I quit Mineverse. I didn't like that statement, but hey, your on the forums, and I still can talk to you!!! Billy, I used to talk to you a lot in-game, but you kinda faded away. Your really serious with stuff, and I like that. You also tell me stuff that makes me thing for days.. Leo, your on fire <3. Your so nice in-game, chill, serious, funny, and helpful. I respect you. I feel like you can beat almost anything. Inito, I don't really know you that much, but you've been the p Discdog, Your pretty funny. I liked you as a mod, but I saw people were hating on you, and I felt bad. Your really like to explore stuff, and have a little bit of serious on your face. ;) Deivid, your supportive. I like your attitude, how you play. You help me on prison a lot, and I like that. <3 B3n, your AWESOME. Your pretty rude to others sometimes, but you could also have a joke or 2 in your mind. Your amazing. Good luck with your future! Finally, finished them. Thank god! Good bye Guys! ~School Time~.
tbh//// your really chill. I really like you. You should apply for mod tbh. Jesse, your creative. I always see you post amazing treats you bake which look really delicious. Good luck! I hope that grows into something bigger! A Job!! I don't really know you, but from what I've seen your nice to players, and really fun. Snowy, your really nice to players, active, fun, chill, quite. I wish I could play with you. I don't want to hate on you, but you really used to rate abuse me. Anyway, your pretty funny, random. change your name ALOT. I wish we could get along someday. Jhow, your my true bedwars buddy. I really have fun with you on bedwars. I want to Skype with you Skype time, and play bedwars all day. That would be exciting!
Scorvix, your really funny, and like a little a child ( Not a mean way ) what I mean is that you love Iron Man so much, and your so kind, funny, and I really love that someone could relate to me that we both love Iron Man. I love how you don't care about how old are you, and you could love batman. Some teenagers would consider that to be a little kid. You don't. <3 SSMH, your really cool. I like attitude, passion, how you work stuff out, and your kindness towards me and others. I really apperciate you being mod. Duplexy, although you had some bad stuff in the history of yours, but I'm really proud your trying for mod. Your kinda like in the same position @TADS4 was in when he was applying. He had some bad stuff he had done in the past before he was mod, but when he really tried, he got it. Good Luck.