How old are you? I am 25 and I am turning 26 on 28 November 2016 Your in-game name: My in-game name is _Thunder_PVP_ but I plan on changing it to TheIcyLightning on Sunday 7th February 2016. What timezone are you in? To be honest, I've never really cared about what timezone I'm in and I don't really know. What Country do you live in? I live in the UK in London. What languages do you speak? I only speak English. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I do have the necessary means of capturing evidence on my Macbook Pro, The F2 Button is screenshotting and F6 is Video taking. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a mod because I like to think that I am one of the many staff who watch over the world of Mineverse and, as an experienced Mineverse player, I believe that, as an experienced player,I can answer many of the questions new players ask me. How long can you be active on the server everyday? At max, I can be active on the server for 6 hours and the minimum amount of time a day is 4 hours. However I have lots planned for weekends and I can only play for about 1 hour a day on weekends How long have you been playing Mineverse? If I took a wild guess, I would say that I have been playing Mineverse for just over a year now How many times have you been banned (Forums or Mineverse)? I have never been banned on Forums and Mineverse, I honestly don't know how to hack and I took a vow never to swear since High School Do you have any past experience as a moderater? No, this is the first time I have ever asked to be a mod What two servers would I like to be a mod in? I would like to be a moderator on Survival and KitPVP as they are my most used servers. To conclude, I believe I should be a mod because I want to watch over Mineverse as one of the many staff and I have quite a clean profile. Also,I am experienced in-game so I know the answers to many of the questions most new players would ask me. e.g: How do I rank up?, How do I get money on the PVP servers? etc.
Hey thunder! I've seen you on quite a bit. However: Please be more active on the forums (just joined today) Be a tad more active in game Get to know the community better Get known Add more detail Try checking out some of the accepted apps :D No support, sorry.
No support: - Don't rage like you did above - Get known to the community - Get more active in-game - Get more active on the forums - Add way more information - Add some colors - You seem not experienced Good luck
Soz I'm just used to the slang words that u can use in mineverse and i just got really annoyed because in my application I literally said: About 6 hours a day
I am experienced in-game but I just Made a Forums account because I wanted really badly to be a mod. Not just because you get special privileges but I really like Mineverse and I like to think that I might be 1 of the many staff who watch over it
Am I allowed a do-over? I promise that I will add a lot more detail and that I will not rage. First thing is First: I need a profile Picture