Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It's a competetive 1st person shooter game. So Basically I am gonna make a Clan. A CSGO ( Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. So, I need some Co-Founders and members to be in with me. Requirements: Needs to have a rank. Needs to have 200 Hours Playtime on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. You also need to have good aim and to be good with AWP. Anyone who do wants to join: Write your name in the comments! Thanks, and good luck!
Hey, Currently I'm the only one in the clan. I used to be Master Guardian 1 as top. But the new rank system go me failing, and now I'm silver 4, since I started trolling a bit with my friends .
Well, I've never played - "I have counter strike. Not counter strike global offensive, just counter strike" But I'd like to try it out.