Hey everyone!Today I'm going to be suggesting something if Nanurz can fix since he's oped on Hellblock. As we all know that there are challenges that we can complete on our island. Since Hellblock is Nether-themed like, why does it have the challenges from Skyblock? What I'm suggesting there should be challenges for hellblock. You can't make a cobblestone generator, so that is like "impossible". We need to figure out challenges for Hellblock. Here is the what it says on Hellblock when you use /c : https://gyazo.com/c55b87145dda067039b44048b4ea7311
The only challenge that is impossible is the nether portal one, I have completed all of the others I believe
Thanks!! Thanks!! Thanks!! Thanks!! Thanks!! Thanks!! Thanks. Can't you try to inform Cypriot or Noob? Strange? lol.
If you need help coming up with ideas, I'll supply you ;) EDIT: Actually, if you're using Uskyblock or Askyblock or one of the premade skyblock plugins, I think you can just go into the config file and change it. I made custom challenges for a server I helped develop on.