Ive been playing mineverse for a good 3 years and ive hacked for 2 of them some of yall may know me as 87dragthro or drahthro,Iwantlove,orPiesGotSwag or HeyWhzUp. Im here to say sorry for all the sruff I got from people by killing them with hacks and ive been unbaned far to many times. I can no longer be unbaned cause I removed my account.But anways sorry for what ive dont on oppvp kitpvp skywars op factions and prety much any outher pvp server I wish I could give all the stuff back that I stole and used hacks for. but yeah bye mineverse ill miss ya :( #Mineverseforlive
You've killed me before on OpPvP but it's all gucci not that many people have the guts to full on apologize for their mistakes, I'm glad you came out and said you're hacking shows no weakness. Btw if you're going to hack again on another account make it less obvious! ;) #HackingIsForFactionsPlayersM8