Alright! No, this isn't a TBH. What you do, is you tag somebody(preferably one of your friends) and write a paragraph on how amazing they were from the start of your friendship to today. Spoiler: My paragraph @Purplevillager1 I remember not knowing you until you had a mod application up. I was happy when I got to be your last support, when dear Cypriot accepted you as a Trial Moderator. I was really happy for you, despite not being able to join .net at the time. I was so happy for you and the other promotions. Then, a week before our birthdays, the ban list reset. Roblox decided to give me a FINAL chance because of this. It was like an early birthday present to me. Then our birthday came. You got all the birthday wishes, and I got the gifts. xD Then around about a couple of weeks later, you got demoted by Cypriot. You were also banned and lost your sexy blue [Donor] tag from before you were a [Mod]. You went on your boyfriend's account and started talking to me. I had no idea it was you. You teleported me to your island. You pointed at a rares chest with your name on it. I was really dumb and thought you were going to hack and steal LOL. I then put 2 and 2 together and found out it was you. I asked why you were demoted and you shared it with me. We started randomly talking. You gave me a bunch of diamonds and I changed all your spawners, flooding your attic with skeletons. :D You then said you were happy that I got to be unbanned and that you wanted to be friends. I was so happy. Our Kawaii friendship has still been going, even after 6 months without me on .net. :p I see you on this forums and I tell you who I am. Then I spam you. <3 Now you're applying for Mineverse Global Moderator, and I'm giving full support, as said on the application. You are such an amazing friend I can rely on. I hope you can rely on me. <3 Alright, let the To Be Kinds begin!
@Meliodas Ever since we first met each other in game we've been nothing but pals, between our adventures on prison and our great fun on TS nothing could really separate us. I remember the first day I met you on prison, I was in the PvP arena/D block and then you came over, I completely rekt you, and I had gotten your OP armour. After talking with you for some time I realised how cool a guy you were, and decided to give you your armour back. Hopefully we can remain friends for the remainder of our time here on MV
@ItsSniiper Your my only friend and I hope we can still be friends to the moon and back. Love you bby.
@Rodeen My god Rodeen, your an amazing person, and has been soo kind to be eversince I met you. And if I had to choose 3 people to live you would be one for sure ;p
@MR_B3N_123 ok here goes I honestly thought 2015 was gonna be a horrible year because of all the tragics and problems occurring, but now that I think about it it was beyond amazing. I met you, then you thought of me as scary lmao and I thought of u as a weird person whatever. months go by and we get closer and closer by the day and I was able to call you a best friend. you were there when I was in my worst days, and I tried my best to support u on ur worsts. that day u gave me the book I was literally Screaming in my head bc it was so thoughtful. legit don't know what I would do if u weren't in my life rn. every morning your the first one to text me, and at night ur the last. hope we stay close forever ily ~bruh x
Omg idk how to reply omg I'm speechless like omg ilysm <3. This literally made me tear up in happiness. Idk what i would do without you too, so glad i have you by my side
@DeltaMC Delta bae you mean so much to me, you have always been there for me and words cannot explain how thankful I am to have you in my life! I am begging you to not be so old school and get Skype!!!! Your builds always amaze me and I cannot wait for you to become a mod you'll do nothing but impress me. Get Kik/snapchat/skype something along those ranges I need to have some way of contact without it having to do with forums! I love you lots, thank you for always being by my side no matter what!
@Awrightgirl I used to dislike you so much because you kept annoying me about how to be nicer to @Ponyknight99. Now I love you so much, ;). But you're kinda weird :// @TADS4 You used to piss me off a lot and I didn't really like you and I actually hated you deep down inside for a while, until we met on GTA and I realized how cool you actually were <3
@Janice999 To my best friend, Janice. You mean so much to me, thank you for never leaving my side. When I need help I know I can count on you and when you come to me for help I will always be there for you, Janice I cannot believe how close of friends we are, you do nothing but amaze me! the things you write are just incredible and you defiantly deserve headmod (the time for this will come soon). You and I have super awesome memories and I hope we can make more! Disney was super fun with you (people won't get this). I love you lots ;) ~Rodeenie
@elephznt Anna babe you are an amazing friend of mine and I hope our snapchat streak never breaks. Now that there is no ban on bedwars we can do anything we want MUHAHAHA remember the twat in our game who said she was skyping Janice well ya Janice just left our call so ;) Anyways I love you lots! <3