Tyler had the TV ready. He turned it on to recap the last episode. "Last time on The Death Dome, our remaining 12 became the remaining 13, when Sadie adopted a chicken and named him Kentucky. Kentucky got adopted during the challenge which was to find an animal. Kat somehow won, Crimson somehow lost against Johnny, and had to verse Kentucky, who murdered her to escape for the challenge. RIP Jay and Crimson. Oh well, 12 remain, well, 11 if you don't count Kentucky. What will happen today? Find out right now on The Death Dome! *Confessional* Sadie: "Kentucky is so lucky to have me!" *Kentucky rolls eyes* Kentucky: "Bwak, bwak, BWAK!" (Translates to: "I hate that fatty whale with all my anger! Hope she dies!") *lays egg* *Sadie runs in and eats egg* Abby: "So, Tyler asked us to leave the cabins at bloody 1:00 in the morning. He said he's refurbishing the cabins." Johnny: "Why did Tyler wake us up? I was dreaming about eating Kentucky!" *End Confessional* "I have a fortunate announcement to make!" announced Tyler, around the campfire with the final 12. "Where is that creepy guy Jeremy?" asked Kat. "Jeff, got arrested in the middle of the night. They said we couldn't have a murderer on the island competing sadly. So we killed him and chopped him up." Everyone gasped. *Confessional* Sadie: "Nobody liked him anyway!" Rose: "That Jeff guy was so irrelevant." Abi: "At least it wasn't me or Abby!" Abby: "Abi thinks I care about her. LOL never." Jacques: "Wait, who was he?" Versic: "Jacques, Johnny and I are the only guys now, besides Kentucky." Ketucky: "Bwak!" Tyler: "Remind me why I let Kentucky debut?" *End Confessional* "Your cabins are also no more!" laughed Tyler. Everyone gasped. "No way am I sleeping on rocks!" yelled Abby and Abi. "Ew," cried Kat. "Harden up!" yelled Jacques, "this could be a good bonding experience." Everyone glared at him. "Um, no," muttered Viola. "Sheesh," muttered Tyler, "your cabins are no more, as 5 minutes after you got brought here, we replaced the 4 cabins with a mansion! Yes, you are all going to be staying in a mansion!" Everyone cheered. "This is just for until you die." Everyone stopped cheering. *Confessional* Sadie: "If I die, at least it is in comfort." Johnny: "This is amazing!" Abby: "A mansion? Too mainstream for Abi!" Versic: "I hope the beds are comfortable!" *End Confessional* Everyone was lined up outside the door. Jacques opened it for everyone else. "Thank you," said Abi. "Anytime!" he replied. Ashley glared at him. "Well," said Jacques, "I might join the others." "Not so fast!" hissed a voice. "Huh?" Jacques got taken away. Everyone was settling in and eating at the Dining Table. Well, Johnny and Sadie ate it all, so there was nothing to eat. "Pigs," muttered Abby. "Sorry, would you rather I ate Kentucky?" asked Johnny. "NO!" screamed Sadie. "Yes actually," muttered Abby. "Well, no!" "Please don't fight," muttered Abi. "Blondie has a point!" yelled Viola, "so shut the f-" Everyone gasped. "I was going to say shut the front door," muttered Viola, "Jacques left it open." "Where is he anyway?" asked Ashley. Ashley looked out the front door to see one of Jacques's boots. "He's gone!" yelled Ashley. Everyone gasped. "BOARD UP ALL THE WINDOWS!" screamed Kat, "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Kat made everyone panic and everyone went running around shutting and bolting all the doors and windows. Everyone then raced back into the Dining Room. "Where is Kat?" asked Abi. "Where is Ashley?" asked Versic. "So, Jacques, Ashley and Kat are missing? Great." muttered Rose. Viola was getting pretty annoyed with everyone. "Stop being babies!" yelled Viola, "I will look for them if it makes you shut up! You two can come with me!" She pointed at the twins and they ran off. *Confessional* Abby: "I'm stuck with Abi and little miss Survival? Great!" Viola: "If one of them dies, it won't matter. There are 2 of them anyway!" Versic: "This is really scary." *someone walks in and captures him* *End Confessional* Sadie and Kentucky were in the kitchen. "Want some chicken?" Sadie asked Kentucky. Kentucky squawked at her. "Oh, you're a chicken." She looked in the fridge. "Bwak!" squawked Kentucky. A masked man was taking Kentucky. "No!" screamed Sadie. "Great," muttered Rose, "I am stuck with a whale." Rose and Johnny were in the living room. "I am right here you realize!" yelled Johnny. "That's the point dummy." The lights went out. "Agh!" someone screamed. The lights turned on, and Johnny was gone. "Great." Someone then kidnapped her. Sadie was crying that Kentucky was getting taken. She kicked the thief, but he called a friend in and took Sadie. "AGH!" screamed Sadie. Viola. Abby and Abi were the only ones left. "Oh my god!" screamed Abby. Someone was pointing a paintball gun at them. "Run!" cried Abi. Abby bowled Abi over and ran off with Viola. Abi got taken by the paintballer. *Confessional* Abby: "Finally. I've always wanted her to be kidnapped." Viola: "May the best female survive!" *End Confessional* "Finally that Abi cow is gone!" yelled Abby as they were running. "Mhm," replied Viola. "She was really irrelevant and useless! Jeff had more use than him!" "Mhm!" The girls were running out of breath. "Also she is so lazy that-" Viola had had enough of Abby. "Shut the hell up!" screamed Viola. She tripped Abby up and ran off. Abby got taken with her sister. "Agh!" *Elimination Ceremony* "Congrats to Viola for winning our first night challenge!" announced Tyler, "Jacques was the first captured, so he is going into the Death Dome!"" "Crap!" yelled Jacques. *Confessional* Ashley: "I am so worried! My crush will be dead possibly! Wait, did I say crush?" *she lunges at camera* "GIVE ME THE BLOODY TAPE!" Jacques: "This sucks. Never got to tell Ash I love her." Abi: "Well, Abby is mean!" Viola: "I win!" Sadie: "Kentucky didn't die! Yay!" *End Confessional* "We have our bottom 2!" announced Tyler, "Abby and Abi!" Abby smirked. She thought it was obvious that Abi would lose. "By a vote of 9-2," announced Tyler. "Wait," mutered Abby, "someone backstabbed me. I will find out after this!" "Abby is joining Jacques in the death dome!" Abby gasped. "What?" she screamed, "I THOUGHT THE PLAN WAS TO GET RID OF ABI!" "Kentucky was responsible," laughed Sadie. "Abby!" cried Abi, "please! Why did you vote my sister guys!" Abby gasped. "You are a horrible person!" yelled Abi to Abby, "but I still love you!" Abby started crying. "Abi," said Abby, "I've found it to hard to treat you like a sister. I have always cared about you! I didn't know how to show it!" Abby and Abi hugged. "Young love!" yelled Kat happily. "Wouldn't that be incest?" asked Versic. *Death Dome* Abby and Jacques are in the death dr between one and a thousand!" "That's it?" asked Jacques. Everyone was laughing. "ome!" announced Tyler, "their challenge is to pick a number between one and a thousand!" Everyone laughed at how pathetic it was. "Whoever guesses it right, will blow up the other person!" "69!" yelled Jacques. Everybody laughed. "Dammit!" yelled Tyler, "my interns really need to step up and actually try! I would have put 5!" Abby then blew up. Abi started crying. "No! Abby!" screamed Abi, "ABBY!" Johnny walked up to Abi. "I'm sorry," he said, "there is nothing we can do, but to try cheer you up." Abi gave Johnny a big bear hug. She sobbed into his stomach. "ABBY!" she cried. "Now I'm crying!" cried Johnny. "WHAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" "Um," said Abi, "this is my sister we are crying for!" "Well," said Tyler, "one of the most hated contestants, is one of the most hated eliminations. After Jeff and Abby getting killed, we have our 10 remaining contestants! What will happen next episode? Find out next time!"
Ask @Chiyami. She developed half the cast lol. Just kidding, this is a random new series I am writing lol.