Hey mineverse staff, I have had problems with mcmmo on Op Factions. I was hoping you could make this post private, So i am able to send my skype, And tell you the problem and hope it can be fixed. Thanks, - Kyle. Tagging Head-Mods, Owners & Devs. @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @TannerLittle @Nanurz @Pile_of_Butts @tin15cro
Ok, So when i got banned, I decided to change my name, To start a clan ( WiB ). While i was banned, Someone changed there name to my old ign, kyleh2232. When i came back on, The person stole my mcmmo, And i had to restart. Please help.
@Hells Redempt ./seen kyleh2232 on Op Factions. Proof is everywhere. Im sure they are able to work something out.
Hello kyleh2232, I am sorry for your loss of McMMo, but we do not do transfers for it. If you would like to try, you can email [email protected] Closing & archiving.