How old are you? I am 37 years old. Your in-game name: My in game name is Myrmwife, but everyone calls me Myrmy, Myrm, and sometimes they call me Mama. What timezone are you in? I am currently in the Central Standard Time. (United States) What country do you live in? I am in the United States of America What languages do you speak? The language that we speak in my house is English. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I have the necessary means of capturing evidence. I know how to use F2 for in game and I know how to use "Print Screen" on my keyboard. I did have Gyazo, but little did I know you needed to have windows 7 or newer. I do have an older computer with Windows XP and a tablet with Windows 10 which I can use Gyazo for capturing my evidence. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a mod because I am mature and I am a nice person. I am very helpful to other players. I try my hardest to help a player with advice and I try to make people laugh and smile. I am a mom in real life and some of the other players on .Net feel that I am kind of like a server mom. I do have a positive attitude most of the time. I do know with me being on this Earth for 37 years that no matter how old you are and where you come from that everyone has their days when everything goes wrong. I know for sure that I am only human and I am not perfect and we all have our bad days. How long can you be active on the server everyday? As with me being an adult and a wife and having a full time job I pretty much spend most of my free time on both servers and the forums. I usually have a lot of time after my hubby and my daughter go to bed. I have a lot of time before I head to work since I usually work in the afternoon during the weekdays. On the weekends I sometimes work doubles and when I get home I like to log onto the servers and forums. In general I can play from 2-4 hours Monday through Fridays and 3-6 hours on the weekends. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I know this might sound silly but I have only been on for a week, but I have been on since Dec. and I just love these two servers and I hope they are active for a while. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I have never been banned from any server. I also do not plan to be banned from any server. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I do have past experience as a moderator. My first experience as a mod (staff) I was on a British Server that is now shut down due to inactivity. I was a staff member for over two years for that server. I am also a tmod on I am a tmod for the .Net side of the server.
No support, stop trying to get attention. You barely just joined. We're not going treat you special because you're a mod on sb.
Thank you for the input, but you really don't have to be so rude. I am also not trying to get attention. I just like playing the game and I like to help other players. Thanks luv! Thank you for the input. Trust me I can handle myself.
This is my mod page and please be respectful here. Just so you know you can't do what you want because it can get you banned. You also need to stay on topic with the thread please. fighting on someone's mod thread is just flat out rude.
I have merged your back to back posts. Please use the edit button next time. As for the off topic posts I have deleted them as well as banned @XxShadowSlayerxX from this thread for 7 days for his disrespect and off topic posting. Please just support or no support and your reasons why. There is no reason to post more.
^^ I have merged your posts again. Please use the edit button instead of posting back to back. It's against the rules here. As for your application I wish you the best of luck.
Thank you for for the feed back. Thanks for taking the time to read my app. Thank you for the support
Neutral, sorry I think you need a bit more time on mineverse to get to know the community a bit better and to get more knowledge'd about this server. I also think you need to get more knowledge'd with the forums. Good luck, I will gladly reconsider this in the future
No support Just be a lot more active in-game and in forums At least get active member Still early to write a mod app I don't support just because your 37 years old If there's more than 1 reply , combine it all together and not separate if it Good luck