Hello, Delta here three suggestions for BedWars. I think all these three suggestions will improve the BedWars community and make it a better game. ---[] Name Tags []--- My first suggestion is so if you are in the lobby waiting to start a game and someone else has already picked a team, instead of just in the chat it show the colour of the team make it so their name tags also do. so these Would be the colour of the team they chosen. If you haven't chosen a team instead of having a yellow name tag you'd have a grey or white one like you do in chat. ---[] The Flats []--- You might know that if u place blocks in the opposite direction of the middle you might be able to reach the flat lands. It is impossible to delete them because we build off them but maybe we could make it a longer distance or add like barriers? because if u reach the flatlands you can just run forever without being found and it gets really boring. ---[] The Exchange Villager []--- Having the villager exchange stuff with him is a great idea but this is how it looks now. I think maybe we could change this so there is like a little door which you could click taking you to the main villagers exchange main page, because right now you have to click esc then recheck the villager and it gets quite annoying. Thnx 4 Reading Delta