Hey everyone!Today what I'm going to be talking about is a thing that Boys and girls do at school. 3 Days ago at my Middle school there was an assembly that some Program named "TT" means TeenTruth. This program basically asks teenagers in Middle school to document some parts of there middle school life, so some kids participated. They had shown us some videos of teenagers were being arrested, and they were showing this little box that shows from the year 2000 to the year 2015 of how many people have died, arrested, wounded, as well as teachers. The total of teachers that died is 20, and the students that died was 349 all of over the country over bullying, not fit in into the "group", lonely, and "Oh does he like me" or "Oh does she like me". Now what they said about the fitting into the popular group in school. They said that the people would judge you by how you look, where you from, and most importantly, if your cool. If your in that position right now, I hope this will make you feel better. Lets say you want to be noticed, or join the popular group in school, and you like how you are, and you know that you're going to have to change from them to like you. If you had made that decision, I would regret it. The reason why I would regret that. The reason why because lets say your whole family liked how you were, they'll just hate you. You'll change into what ever you need to change, you just made a huge mistake bud. The thing you should really do is, be friendly, get to know them, don't completely change yourself, but you can change a little bit, but make sure not to make your family disappointed in you. The point is you shouldn't really join a crowd that could ruin your life. Thank you all for reading about this
Always if there is anything that could help the forums out, I am more then welcomed to make a thread about it.
o-o Honey at the end of the day you shouldn't have to change anything about you just for people to like you. Cause think of it this way, if you act like someone else or something you're not then how could anyone ever accept the real you? plus if you try to act like a person that "everyone likes" you would be taking away from how special they are in their own way... it's like someone trying to be like you, wouldn't you feel as though they are taking away from what makes you who you are? we are all human but we all come in different colors of not only skins but sizes and our bodies aren't all the same we come in different shapes as well. To be honest why would you want to change or lower your standards for people who think less of you? :I You are amazing how you are right now and how you always been. Don't live a life full of regret because of things you have done in the past or because of what someone else has told you. you are going to be such a great person when you get older you will learn from you're "mistakes" and realize that without going through what you did you wouldn't be the person you are today and that person I think is wonderful.