-= Damished's Staff Team=- Everyone that is a Mineverse staff now because it seems like every mod is doing what they're suppose to do, and Mineverse is functioning well right now with the help of the staffs.
Owner Grumpy Cat Co-owner Iggy Azalea Admin Thomas the Tank Engine Forum Admin Dora the Explorer Head-mod Shrek Mod Phineas Ferb Trial-mod Scooby-Doo Shaggy Builder Bob the Builder
Owner: me Co owner: @Rodeen @Nanurz Admin: @Pile_of_Butts @SSMH forum admin: @Pile_of_Butts Head mod: @Alex @ParanormalPizza @tin15cro @Nightfire mod: @AthleticPsycho @Empster @Scorvix @Moooose Trial mod: @HopeStealer Builders: @TorchwoodRC @Bakes32 @3yerrt
Owners @TheSugarCane Co-Owner @HkTV Admin @MusicCentral Forums Admin @CypriotMerks Head-Mod @Lemonade Mod @Entity @Slifkin Trial Mods Kres (He doesn't have an account here). Builders @Entity and Fell_In_Lava (I don't think he has a forums account here).
How are they being selfish? The idea of this thread is to make your dream staff team. If they don't add you it doesn't make them selfish.
Owner: me Co-Owner: @Rodeen Admin: @HopeStealer @Jhow (cause who doesnt love sloths) Forums Admin: @Janice999 Head Mods: @AthleticPsycho @TorchwoodRC @ParanormalPizza Mods: @TADS4 @Exstatisfy @RebornWolf @MrPronounce Trial Mod: @Greenfuzz Builders: @Rythen @Dewster @Exstatisfy
<3 Please explain how on earth we are being selfish. We are simply creating our OWN staff team if we had one. We're not criticizing the Staff team in any way and if they think that's the case, they can lock it.
Staff Team ~ Owner: Me of course Co-Owner: @StrKillr Admins: @Herf @ParanormalPizza @Janice999 @SSMH Head Mods: @BlackZone @Electric @ohhglaze Mods: @Rythen @Scorvix @coastic @ScoFu13
Owner: @Lemonade Admin: @Lemonade Forum Admin: @Lemonade Head-mod: @Lemonade Global mod: @Lemonade Forum mod: @Lemonade Builder: @Lemonade Ideal staff team right there.
Owner: Me Co-Owner: Me Admin: Me Forum Admin: Me Head Mod: Me Mods: Me Me Me TrialMods: Me Guards: Me Me Builders: Me Me Developers: Me Me
Owners @Snowy Co-Owner @iTzLevisFFS @RebornWolf Admin Oxagonploke (not on forums) @Scorvix @AmazingFireGirl Forums Admin @CountryGirl_ Head-Mod @CountryGirl_ k0l0k0y_yan (not on forums) @Rodeen @TADS4 @tin15cro Mod @AthleticPsycho @ParanormalPizza @Nightfire @Electric @Janice999 @Dyna_Mighty Trial Mods @cheetahswimmer @OfficiallyUnknown Builders @Halex00 Me Oxagonploke @DeltaMC @Rythen Not finished as I can't tag in properly.