Greetings all. This is my first ever 'to-be-honest' thread, so please bare with me if I do not do it right. I will be 100% honest with you, and if I am unsure of who you are, I will be sure to look around before getting back to you. Regards, -----Stormy.
Hello Recyclinq! From what I've seen of you, you truly seem like a very nice person, and I look forward to seeing more of you around here. Keep it up! Regards, -----Stormy.
Hello Rodeen! Based on what I've seen from you around the forums, you seem to be a very sweet person! You appear to be very willing to help those in need and you have a positive attitude toward everything. Keep it up! Regards, -----Stormy. Hello Jhow! From what I've seen, you appear to be a very friendly person who is always happy to provide an explanation as to why you feel a certain way, which, in my opinion, is a great trait to possess. Keep doing that, it's awesome. Regards, -----Stormy.
Hello YRVintage! You can be rude at times it appears however you have also shown that you're able to be very friendly when you want to be. Overall, you seem like a decent person and you should keep doin' what you're doin'! Regards, -----Stormy.
Hello MrPronounce! You seem to be a very friendly, smart person who knows what he's talking about. It is very clear that you genuinely care about the server and the players whom inhabit it. Overall, you're a very nice guy and honestly, by the looks of it, the world needs more people like you, haha. Regards, -----Stormy.
Hello Jesse234106! You seem really nice and your pastries look good, haha! You seem pretty laid-back as well, which is good too. Good job! xD Regards, -----Stormy. Hello MR_B3N_123! You too seem nice, and pleasant to speak with. I've only seen you post a few times but I definitely look forward to seeing you more. Regards, -----Stormy. Hello Lyriss! Seeing as you only have a few messages posted, I can't gather much information on who you are as a person (or who you seem to be, anyway). However, telling by those couple of posts, you do seem rather nice and that's awesome! Regards, -----Stormy. Hello Silentó! If I'm being honest, you seem sort of immature at times and even a bit rude, however I know that is not all you're capable of being. I have seen you be nice a few times but it doesn't seem to be a regular occurrence, unfortunately. :( Regards, -----Stormy.
Hello Alex! Unfortunately, no, I have not gotten the pleasure of meeting you until now. From what I have seen, though, you are very, very friendly and you really seem like a great person. I look forward to seeing you around! :D Regards, -----Stormy. Hello Janice! Although I have never spoken to you directly, I do know that you are one of the sweetest people I have ever seen. You're always spreading kindness, and for that I thank you. Not to mention, you are an incredible moderator. Keep it up! Regards, -----Stormy.