I think that for kit PvP they should add differently evened out Kits. Let's say there's one kit with diamond armor and a wooden sword and one kit with Leather armor with a diamond sword. I'm not saying to add those Kits I just listed, but kit PvP needs style besides just noob kit, commander kit, and donor Kits, am I right? (Not everyone is a donor lol)
This server is pay to win like it or not noobcrew and cypriotmerks would never approve, still your a rebel :/. Idk probably Neutral
Neutral there is quite a lot of kits at the moment, OpPvP should get something like commander though and you get diamond and pearls that would be nice ;)
Yes, because then there aren't just diamond teams running around farming off kit fight users. I don't mean it has to be as often used as the regular kits, just something to make it easier for the new people. and harder for the experienced ones.
I doubt the owners would see this anyways but yes, I support a diamond kit. Of course it would have a long cooldown (4 hours? 1 day?) and be unenchanted, but yeah.