How old are you? I am 13 nearly 14 Your in-game name: samm1402 What timezone are you in? gmt What country do you live in? I live in England What languages do you speak? I speak English but I learn French and Spanish Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? yes I record a lot and if I try ban some one I try get as much proof as I can. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become mod because I'm very active, I go on everyday, I have had past experience being mod on a lot of servers, I also have been admin and co-owner on a few servers, I know how to reply to players, I'm not mean to people on the server and I know when some one hacks which will help because I see a lot of hackers. in general I'm kind and if I ever haven't been I apologies. If you are mod you have to be kind; no swearing, being rude, or advertising and spamming to annoy people. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active about 4- 8 hours on week days but can play longer on week-ends. if I get told to come on to help I will if its important. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing mineverse since I got minecraft. I did get the game about 2-3 years ago but during that time I stopped playing for about 1 year, I have been playing since middle of last year. I have spent a lot of time on mineverse its the only server I play. Have you ever been banned in the past? yes I have been banned in the past and I'm not going to lie it was for hacking, I got unbanned for proving I no longer hack, since then I have been recording players that hack and all but 1 has been accepted. I think that because I have hacked in the past that I know more about hackers then some might. I will not hack again since it is unfair and I do not want to be banned or lose my rank. My team and friend know I don't hack and if you still think I do I'm sorry but will try prove to you that I dont Do you have any past experience as a moderator? yes I have had past experience as mod as I explained above. I know when being a mod you have to make the wright decisions, which i think i can do, every one i know in real life trust me and think I'm mature which you need to be when your a mod. a lot of the mods are not always on and people on the server may need help so I would gladly help. I know a lot of people want to be mod and I'm sure your thinking that you have seen my answers before. i listen to peoples replies and questions and try answer in the best way, I will not just ignore them and believe my own opinion, other peoples opinions matter, if i was to ban some one for hacking i would make sure that they were hacking, i wouldn't just ban them thinking I'm wright. if some one sent a report and i didn't think it was anoth or i thought that its possibly untrue and it could of been lag spikes or anything els i would ask for more evidence so that the ban is correct. I'm active on all the game modes on mineverse but mostly play kitpvp, infection and skywars. sometimes I play creative and if people ask me too go on something that they play I will and help them out. Commands I know. I know the simple commands as in /ban [player] [reason] appeal ~Samm1402 /unban [player] /tempban [player] [time] /kick [player] [reason] /mute [player] /social spy Social I'm Not afraid to talk to people and have many friends and team mates. I will not unban and help people who are my team just because they are friends
Neutral. Improvements: Way more info Go more into detail about what you can do and for how long Respect the following comments that are most definitely going to come, for it increases your chance of becoming a Mod. Hence, I wish you lots of luck!
Despite we're friends. No support. Active in-game Not active on the forums Not enough detail Very disrespectful Good luck! :P
Listening to Mods' posts or about adding more information is just the same as a regular member's most of the time. Don't wait for a mod to respond, I recommend adding more info. The players are meant to be supporting or giving things for you to improve on.
Use the edit button next time, or quote them both at the same time. Anyway, no support due to a lack of effort.
You are better than your friend, as you followed the format. You have 5% support from me. I wish to see LOTS more information though.
No support More information Become more active in-game and in forums Colors can really stand out the app
Good start to the application. You really need to lay off of all the color. I had to look away several times to read all the way through it. You also need to put in some more detail. Over all you really do have a good start so I am only partially supporting you.