Alright, so just a quick suggestion(ish) thread. The thing is, I don't understand why people are being unbanned when they are being permanently banned. There's a reason why they have been banned permanently. They committed an offense, which then results in a permanent ban. Why do you feel that you have to unban them after a month or so? Why not just give them a one month ban, then? It's been like this forever. The moderator has a choice to unban someone who has been banned permanently, and I feel like they shouldn't have the choice to do so. What's the point in banning someone permanently if you aren't actually banning them for that duration? It's pointless. You're just adding more ban appeals upon yourself. In my opinion, there should be permanent bans and temporary bans. Ban Appeals shouldn't be accepted unless they weren't actually breaking rules. The entire Mineverse punishment system needs to be revamped. Just my opinion though. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I feel that the system is just so corrupt it's ruining the "peacefulness" for some players that just want to play a game for fun. Side Note: I would also like to state that exclusive server bans are complete idiocracy. If they break a rule on Mineverse, why are they only banned from one gametype on Mineverse? It's most likely that they are going to just repeat their offense on another gametype. Thanks for your time.
Support, I feel as if someone hacks not a 30 day ban on just OpPvP(For Example) everywhere on Mineverse would be better to ban someone. Also, in my opinion if someone's perm banned they should have the right to appeal to be given another chance after that, don't let them appeal again. CotnerM hacks and gets banned constantly and instantly gets unbanned the next day and bugs with everyone.
The point is, there should be less permanent bans if they aren't going to actually be banned for that duration. Hence, I said changing the punishment system.
idek what that's supposed to mean in this type of situation Yes, and the people that advertise really have no intention of advertising. They just come to steal players. It's what they do. They completely disregard the rules that are in place.
um I support this. All players do is say they are going to stop hacking, etc and they are instantly unbanned. I also don't like the idea of resetting the ban list. Players that are banned permanently should stay that way... forever.
I have no idea why the ban list is reset. Maybe it's for money? I don't know, honestly. Even if it was for money, why would anyone want to pay for a server that has no rules? They aren't actually enforcing their rules if they keep unbanning the people that are banned.
No idea. It used to happen a lot a while ago and I think it still happens every once in a while. I was once unbanned because of the ban list reset. I was meant to stay banned forever. lol It most likely is just for the money gains. I know I would never donate to this server with the current state of it.
Lets say someone is Hacking! well in Archerpvp anyway, They get BANNED! only for 30 days to D: Then when 30 says is up, they go back on, an hack AGAIN! Then they get temp banned AGAIN! I say that if they get Temp banned once, If they break the rules again, it should be Permanent Ban.
That wasn't really what I was talking about, but I guess it's kinda relevant. To be honest, if someone had their first hacking offense, I'd do 3 months. Second offense, a year. Third, permanent. It's not really my decision though. EDIT: I'd also like to point out that when I was Moderator, there wasn't a punishment logging plugin. So whenever someone was punished, no one could ever tell if they were muted or banned once their duration has passed. We all used appeals.
I agree with your point completely. Permanent, means permanent - forever. You shouldn't be unbanned from a permanent ban. With the game-mode thing, banning on lobby for everything would make people change their mind about breaking the rules. Maybe this should be applied? Obviously, if it's been thought upon, it will be a money reason. Not a bad suggestion there either. Rule breakers should be more heavily punished for their actions.
Money shouldn't even be considered a factor in this type of situation. You'll get your money regardless. A more "peaceful" community = more players. The less hackers, the more "loyal" players. The more "loyal" players, the more money.
I completely agree, but money is considered in every situation, it's just what us humans are like. We'll see if this takes affect. Hopefully it does.